Vibrator causing IBS symptoms?
July 16, 2022 2:22 AM

Late-thirties cis female. Semi-recently, a few minutes after using a vibrator I get pain in my abdomen that is only relieved after using the toilet. Is this something anyone else has experienced, and/or how worried should I be?

In general I have a low libido that comes in waves, so although I've used a vibrator for over a decade it can be several months in between usages. It was almost two years ago that I noticed this starting to happen, but because it was so infrequent I didn't really think too much about it.

I do have IBS symptoms at other times, almost exclusively caused by anxiety, but it is mainly loose stools and doesn't have the same abdomenal pain attached.

Basically what happens is: vibrator is in use for 5-10 minutes, external only. A few minutes after stopping, pain appears like a curved downwards arc right at the lowest part of my stomach, accompanied by a strong bloated feeling. I then have to use the bathroom, specifically to poop. The relief is not immediate, but the pain subsides over the next half an hour.

My first thought is that my bowel is being agitated by the vibration. But then I don't know why that didn't happen in the past. It also seems if that were the case it would be fairly common, but I haven't been able to find anyone else online talking about the same issue, even in places where people will talk about anything.

I'll see a doctor if any of this appears as a huge medical red flag to anyone, but I'm hesitant due to past IBS investigations going nowhere and the tendency of GPs to start and end with 'lose weight' (I am overweight).

I am concerned because anything bowel-related can be both completely normal or a major symptom of something larger. I would also like to increase my vibrator use and this is an unpleasant barrier.

Essentially I want to know if this is a common problem and it's just not talked about because sex plus pooping, or if YNMD but it could be caused by this medical issue.
posted by anonymous to Health & Fitness (7 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Whether you end up choosing to see a doctor about this issue or not, Mary Lambert very recently compiled a big list of "Weight Neutral Providers" in the US that you might find helpful. I'm sorry that some doctors do that thing where they just say "lose weight," you deserve better care than that.
posted by needs more cowbell at 3:41 AM on July 16, 2022

It may not be the vibration but the engagement of the pelvic floor muscles, especially if they are weak and thus cramp up a bit after the exertion.
posted by meijusa at 3:50 AM on July 16, 2022

Get evaluated for endometriosis. Endo can cause bowel symptoms. It can also cause pain during or after sex. It can mimic or be found along with IBS. Mayo clinic link on endometriosis.

It is also frequently misdiagnosed or undertreated, so you may have to self advocate. You deserve good medical care regardless of your weight.
posted by nat at 5:06 AM on July 16, 2022

If you are becoming sexually aroused but not experiencing orgasm, vasocongestion
[swelling of bodily tissues caused by increased vascular blood flow and a localized increase in blood pressure] in the uterus can cause pain or discomfort.

It's not dangerous or harmful at all, but it can be unpleasant.
posted by carriage pulled by cassowaries at 5:14 AM on July 16, 2022

I also came here to say possible endometriosis. I have adhesions on my colon and they do get rowdy when aroused.
posted by headspace at 7:03 AM on July 16, 2022

I agree that this sounds like the kind of nonsense that endometriosis might cause, and my other thought was peritoneal adhesions as a result of any procedures you may have had in the past. Surgical procedures very often result in adhesions and I would imagine that if you had bowel adhesions that increased congestion could set this off.
posted by HotToddy at 9:06 AM on July 16, 2022

I have heard exercise is a known cause of sudden, uh, bowel urgency and assumed vibrations were one reason for that. Even if it's not the vibrations there are probably other exercise-like things happening with your muscles and endorphins and stuff So that's worth considering, and maybe see if you notice the same after a long walk or a run (if you run).
posted by Lady Li at 9:48 AM on July 16, 2022

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