How do you clean a Kik-step rolling step stool?
July 9, 2022 1:32 PM

Library people and clean people, it’s your time to shine. Being a family of former librarians, one of whom can’t reach shit, we thought it would be cool to get a Kik-Step step stool. It’s great but the top is dirty as hell. It’s made of sticky rubber for grip, with lots of concentric rings for grip. So it’s gripping a ton of dirt. Crumbs, dog hair, whatnot. How do I get it clean?

I’ve tried hosing it off outside, spraying counter cleaner, vacuum with various attachments. Surely there’s a way to clean this type of surface that I’m missing.
posted by chesty_a_arthur to Home & Garden (6 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I put our similar step stool in the shower and soap it off every month or so, depending on how dirty it gets. Then I dry it off as much as possible and set a fan in front of it for a couple hours.
posted by cooker girl at 2:18 PM on July 9, 2022

Pressure washer though kind of ridculous to buy one just for this. However you can rent them by the minute at self serve car washes.
posted by Mitheral at 2:19 PM on July 9, 2022

If you don't mind wasting a bit of material... Those cleaning "slime goop" usually used to dust vents and keyboards, will do wonders, but it picks up so much grit I'm not sure if you can reuse them afterwards.

Else, a relatively stiff bristle brush to sweep the bigger grit out, go through with the slim goop, then every month or two do the hosing treatment.
posted by kschang at 3:34 PM on July 9, 2022

Scrub brush, hot water, lots of detergent. Do it in the bathtub or the shower or outside using a pail to bring hot water out. Liquid dish or laundry detergent will work nicely, but wear gloves so you can use lots and not strip your skin of any oils. Hot water and detergent should be good enough with any cheap floor scrubbing brush. Do not dry outside as the rubber will prefer not to stand in the sun.
posted by Jane the Brown at 4:31 PM on July 9, 2022

Use a stiff brush to clean the top really frequently; do this on a surface that is easily swept. Then hot soapy water and scrubbing from time to time. A light dusting of corn starch will make it less grippy and easier to brush clean, but also less grippy on your feet. The rubber will dry out over time and be less sticky.
posted by theora55 at 4:58 PM on July 9, 2022

I just came back to say that theora55 nailed it. It's the stiff brush, with a lint-free cloth, Comet liquid cleanser and water. It's much less of a nightmare.
posted by chesty_a_arthur at 1:55 PM on February 21, 2023

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