Mojang to Microsoft Account Woes
June 17, 2022 7:56 PM

I am trying to migrate my old Minecraft Mojang account over to the required Microsoft account. However, I do not have access to my old email account. I do have the old login and password, but I'm repeatedly running into a brick wall and can't seem to find a solution. Help?

To migrate my old Mojang account to Microsoft, it first says my Mojang account is not secure and wants to add security questions. Fine. But then it wants to send stuff to my old email account to do so. I can't change my email on the account because it's not secure, and around and around we go.

Consulting the Microsoft migration help info, there's a comment that says that it is possible to migrate without the old email access, and all I need to do is click on the link, and choose the option to list the new address. Clicking on the link takes me to the old Mojang account page and back into the above issue.

Another page says that it can be altered if I have the original transaction ID, which is gone with the old email account as far as I can tell.

Any suggestions?
posted by ninazer0 to Computers & Internet (4 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
If you can remember how you paid and approximately when you might be able to find your transaction ID via your payment method.

It may not be possible to migrate your account without your transaction ID, but it would still be worth contacting Mojang as a last ditch effort.
posted by MagnificentVacuum at 9:55 PM on June 17, 2022

It is still possible to play with the old account and refuse to migrate, for what it's worth. I've been very stubborn about it because I have an alpha account and don't want the new TOS (even though logically I know there's no way the perpetual free expansions promise will be honored at this point anyway, but, principle, or something.)

Anyway, I do remember getting very frustrated trying to figure out how to reset my password without migrating, and can't remember how I did it, but there WAS a way. They hid the option well though.
posted by Zephyr at 6:15 AM on June 18, 2022

I will admit that I eventually broke down and made a new account, since I was trying to wrangle multiple usernames and email addresses and I just couldn't get it right. I was prepared to pay the idiot tax ($40 or whatever to re-download Minecraft) but somehow it automagically knew I had already purchased and just let me re-download! YMMV.
posted by nkknkk at 12:18 PM on June 18, 2022

I tried MagnificentVacuums suggestion but unfortunately my bank charges for old archive records and the cost was almost equal to paying for the new game. I thought I had an email archive that had the original payment receipt in there, but while I could find other things around that time, that one wasn't there. Lesson learned I guess.

Zephyr, unfortunately it won't let me play unless I migrate which is how I ended up in this AskMe. I have spent a week trying to find the option and admit defeat.

I have now paid the idiot tax and have a playable version again. Unfortunately, it didn't automagically detect the existing install like nkknkk had, but hey - at least I'm playing again.

Thanks for your help guys. I just wish I had a cheerier result for you.
posted by ninazer0 at 4:20 PM on June 21, 2022

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