Help me identify this older movie...
June 17, 2022 6:09 PM

So, long a go when I was a very little kid, I saw a movie, and I cannot remember the name...I don't remember a lot but I remember a few key details, and I think that anyone who has seen the movie would recognize it. Here are some relevant (and irrelevant) details...

1.) This was in the 1970s (not too relevant, but I was tagging along to the drive-in with older siblings - I think it was a double-feature with James Caan's "The Killer Elite" or maybe it was James Coburn's "Sky Riders" - I watched a lot of movies that I was way too young for...

2.) It was a kidnap/ransom/catch the kidnappers plot.

3.) I believe it was a young woman kidnapped, either late teen or perhaps early twenties.

4.) When the abduction took place, the perpetrators went out of their way to confuse the (hooded) abductee, first by driving around some remote trails with lots of twists and turns to make her think they were driving a very long way (they weren't), then putting her in a fake plane fuselage which swiveled and turned and had airplane sound effects to make her think they flew her somewhere.

5.) I cannot remember if she escaped, or if she was released upon ransom payment, but I do remember that when they were trying to figure out where the kidnappers had been holding her, and they realized that the plane thing was a fake when they took her up in a real plane and she noticed that her ears popped, and they didn't on the fake kidnap plane.

That's mostly what I can remember - anybody have any ideas?
posted by kjl291 to Media & Arts (2 answers total)
If you click the "synopsis" tab on this description of Rosebud (1975), there's this line: "The pilot flies as roughly as Helene remembers when she was blindfolded, but this time their ears hurt until the air pressure makes them pop. Helene realizes, as Martin had suspected, that she had never left Corsica because the airplane ride had been a ruse."
posted by Wobbuffet at 6:30 PM on June 17, 2022

Wow, awesome, thank you!
posted by kjl291 at 6:37 PM on June 17, 2022

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