Podcasts for jaded fans
June 12, 2022 10:31 AM

I'm looking for podcasts like The Shrieking Cast and A More Civilized Age. Basically, podcasts where two or more left-leaning people (and not all dudes) do a critical-ish re-read or watch a piece of media hoping for the best but expecting the worst.
posted by simmering octagon to Grab Bag (13 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Have you tried the Bechdel Cast? Two women (sometimes more) watch a movie and enjoy it, or not. Has the catchiest theme song in all of podcastdom too.
posted by mark k at 10:42 AM on June 12, 2022

God Awful Movies. Hilarious take downs of christian movies.
posted by charlesminus at 12:52 PM on June 12, 2022

I love Kill James Bond even though I never particularly cared about James Bond movies—the hosts are so good I'd happily listen to them talk about anything.
posted by Mender at 1:50 PM on June 12, 2022

Women at Warp involves mostly women (including biPOC and LGBTQ people) doing in-depth reviews (often critical) of Star Trek episodes, or thematic discussions. It's quite good, although I've only dipped in a bit.
posted by suelac at 2:24 PM on June 12, 2022

Just King Things is a podcast where the two hosts read one Stephen King book a month, in publication order. They're both fans (and both men, though at least one of them is openly bisexual), but they both approach the material critically, and often have the same reactions I do as a very-left-leaning woman when I re-read the books as an enlightened adult. They're not afraid to point out the misogyny, racism, fatphobia, and ableism that shows up frequently in King's books, but also still celebrate the parts that have held up and are still enjoyable. Same guys also have a couple games podcasts and a podcast about Homestuck and I don't listen to those but I'm given to understand those pieces of media get the same treatment. Their podcast network is called Ranged Touch.

I'm told The Losers' Club (also about Stephen King) is similar, and the hosts are a group of people of various genders, but i haven't yet listened to it. I know many people who love it.

Leave That Thing Alone is a similar thing with two different dudes (again, partly queer and very left-leaning) do the same with Rush albums. Again, both professed fans of the band, but not afraid to point out the places where the choices are musically or socially/politically bad.

I typically don't love all-dude podcasts and these are the exceptions, but I'm watching this thread eagerly for more diverse recommendations!
posted by rhiannonstone at 2:49 PM on June 12, 2022

I’d recommend “witch, please”, an intersectional Feminist close reading of Harry Potter (books and movies). I liked the first few seasons a lot!
posted by Valancy Rachel at 5:51 PM on June 12, 2022

Worst Bestsellers is a fun bad books podcast hosted by two women, with a particular focus on YA and terrible self-help books.
I Don’t Even Own a Television is along similar lines, but with a broader range of book genres. The hosts of that one are dudes, but I find them to be pretty self-aware in regards to their own privilege and the various biases in the books they read. (Leave that Thing Alone, mentioned above by rhiannonstone, is their side project).
posted by ActionPopulated at 8:32 PM on June 12, 2022

I like Metamashina which has the tagline of 'three harpies podcasting about genre fiction'. It's three femme folks, with occasional guests, doing deep dives on science fiction, fantasy, horror, romance and anything else called 'genre fiction'. Unfortunately, they haven't been very active recently. Some of the audio quality, especially early on, is rough but I like their perspectives and they have a fun dynamic.

If you're already a fan of AMCA, then you may already listen to/know about Waypoint Radio. Most of that feed is long episodes of video game journalism, but they have a series call Waypoints (I liked their Neon Genesis Evangelion series) that does that kind of media criticism. It's where Austin Walker of AMCA used to work and where Rob Zacny and Natalie Watson both still contribute. Waypoint's regular contributors were mostly dudes for a while and can have some of that dudes-talking-to-dudes energy, but they have always had lefty politics.

I liked Way Down in the Hole when it was on. It's Van Latham (a dude) and Jemele Hill (not a dude) talking about The Wire. They're both sports folks and they did sometimes compare characters to players I don't know or care about. But overall I liked the show.
posted by crossswords at 10:27 PM on June 12, 2022

Horror Vanguard, Horror Vanguard, Horror Vanguard. Leftist critique of all things horror, from the sublime to the terrible.
posted by Sheydem-tants at 4:56 AM on June 13, 2022

Métis In Space is great for Science Fiction. Especially seasons 1-3 and some of 5. (They took a break to talk about media they actually like for a bit.)
posted by eotvos at 7:25 AM on June 13, 2022

Overinvested seems like a great fit.
posted by Mournful Bagel Song at 9:09 AM on June 13, 2022

You might enjoy The Great Gundam Project, wherein Em and Jackson watch and discuss all of Gundam in order (and also become communists via mecha anime). You do have to join their patreon (for $1) to listen to all of it, but the first episode of every new Gundam show is free on their website for you to try before you subscribe.

Also, it is not necessary for you to have ever seen a single Gundam show to enjoy the podcast - I've listened to nearly 200 episodes have watched exactly one episode of Gundam. (I have watched Armored Trooper Votoms because of GGP, though.)
posted by darchildre at 9:37 AM on June 13, 2022

A pair of women hosts from The Incomparable re-read all of the Pliocene Epoch series, and for them it was...a lot.

Really loved listening to them, though!! It was one episode per book plus an intro and a wrap-up -- really great stuff: https://www.theincomparable.com/saga/
posted by wenestvedt at 7:20 PM on June 13, 2022

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