Would this be a reasonable way to use an app like iTalki?
May 28, 2022 10:26 AM

I have a really specific language need but I also realize people teach how they teach and at like $8/half hour it's maybe not reasonable to ask for tailoring.

So, I studied Spanish ages ago, to the point where I could use it at work though nobody would call me fluent. I'm a social worker and tended to think of my Spanish as casework level, not therapy level. I am way past my best language learning years and it will never be therapy level, but I'd love it if it were casework level and also just more functional for normal conversations without so much hesitation. But in particular, I'd love to be able to use it for work.

I tried iTalki and liked the general idea of it but tried two teachers who both had these laid out lesson plans for teaching me Spanish, asking me the names of fruits and colors and stuff. That's great and all but what I really need is to practice conversations like

Me: Hi, I'm less-of-course and I work for the county department on aging.
Person: Uh, ok, why are you here?
Me: Someone called us and reported concerns.

It's pretty specific. Does anyone who uses these apps think it's a reasonable request to contact a teacher first and say "I don't need to know how to say apple but I do need to practice talking about elder abuse"?
posted by less-of-course to Technology (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I can highly recommend Victoria Caceres on italki and think she would be great at this. Be prepared to pay double what you have been though.
posted by likethenight at 10:56 AM on May 28, 2022

I used to use HelloTalk. An app that matches you with a language learner to practise conversations.
One young woman needed to practise English for an upcoming job interview and I role played to help our.

Perhaps you can seek such a partner there.
posted by Coffeetyme at 11:29 AM on May 28, 2022

I think you just specify that you want to do "conversation" rather than lessons. For me that's an option when I book the classes? I started use italki mainly for this same purpose: to gain more confidence in having normal conversations. I spend an hour talking about my week, discussing the news, etc with someone who will interrupt me to correct my grammar.
posted by EllaEm at 2:56 PM on May 28, 2022

Thanks everyone. I'll take a look around again. (Just this morning I opened iTalki and remembered that I find the interface pretty non-intuitive and I don't know where to look for anything.)
posted by less-of-course at 3:48 PM on May 28, 2022

This is absolutely doable and many teachers will be happy to tailor the lesson precisely to you.

I recommend trying one of these two:


They're both smart, funny, good conversationalists, fluent English speakers, and happy to tailor a lesson to whatever you need.
posted by hungrytiger at 4:15 PM on May 28, 2022

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