Avian flu and hummingbirds
April 15, 2022 10:48 AM

I know a highly contagious avian influenza strain is going around, causing a lot of concern among chicken keepers and such. I heard that bird feeders should be taken down to discourage congregation and spread of the virus. Would this apply to hummingbird feeders as well?

I assume there’s a somewhat lower risk since they only attract a couple of species that don’t interact much but I’ve taken mine down for now. I’d love to hear from someone with more understanding of the risks. I have a little concern of the poor dears getting hungry and stressed, but at least the spring blooms are bountiful now.
posted by luftmensch to Pets & Animals (1 answer total)
The University of Minnesota's Raptor Center has some good info on their Facebook page -- you might find something useful in the comments on this post especially.
posted by jabes at 11:03 AM on April 15, 2022

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