Youtube sponsorship contracts/prices
March 18, 2022 12:36 AM

What do contracts between Youtubers and companies that sponsor them look like?

I'm curious about:
  • What does the approval process usually look like?
  • How much control over the content of the video do companies tend to have?
  • How much control over the content of the ad read do companies tend to have?
  • What is the pricing structure usually like? Fixed based on past video performance, or based on the actual number of views the video gets?
  • In cases with fixed pricing, what factors is this mostly based on? Do advertisers want to look at metrics like how many viewers skipped sponsored segments in past videos?
I'd be interested in links to specific contracts, if any of those are public (although I'd be a bit surprised if they were). There seems to be a ton of SEO spam when looking for this stuff on google, so I'm most interested in hearing from people with at least some amount of direct or at most secondhand experience on either side of this.
posted by wesleyac to Work & Money (2 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Youtuber Karl Smallwood put up a series of videos called “How not to do business,” at least some of which talk about sponsorship agreements. I can’t remember which videos focus on what specific aspects, but he does spell out in some detail what, for example, Audible asks for in a video they sponsor.
posted by Mister Moofoo at 5:48 AM on March 18, 2022

Rowan Ellis recently put out a video talking about YT sponsorships. Her focus is on ethics, but she talks about her process of getting and vetting sponsorships. Make sure to check out the links in the description for other youtuber perspectives. Also, it's less YT centric, but this two year-old video from streamer Disguised Toast touches on sponsorship deals in the gaming space.
posted by radiogreentea at 8:58 AM on March 18, 2022

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