US Citizens diy supporting sanction/defunding Russia?
February 24, 2022 12:12 PM

Hi. Can anyone think of the best ways to support current sanctions and block funding to Russia?

For those who cannot quite donate, avoiding funding isn't too different. Seeking direct suggestions for products, places, or other articles of evasion/boycott.
posted by firstdaffodils to Society & Culture (1 answer total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
One way is to investigate and publicize the close ties that US corporations and politicians have with Russia. As long as they are allowed to hide this from the public eye, they will continue to exert backroom influence on national policy.

For example, in Russia, ExxonMobil holds 85,000 acres (34,000 ha) in the Sakhalin-I project. Together with Rosneft, it has developed 63.6 million acres (257,000 km2) in Russia. Their board of directors is probably urging "caution and calmer heads." They need to hear that stockholders and the general public are aware of their enmeshment.

Another example is British Petroleum. In 1997, BP purchased a 10 per cent stake in Sidanco, then Russia's 4th largest oil company. The stake was subsequently increased to 25 per cent plus one share in 2002. In 1998 they formed an alliance with Rosneft to explore for oil and gas in Sakhalin. BP has a vested interest in appeasing Putin and should be called out on it.
posted by dum spiro spero at 4:48 PM on February 24, 2022

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