what outdoor icicle style Christmas lights will last?
December 5, 2021 3:51 PM

This year I plan to put up icicle style christmas lights. Last time I got cheap strings of lights that didn't last more than a couple winters. Can anyone suggest a brand / model / product that will last ? We live in an area that gets lots of rain and some snow so waterproof is best.
posted by metadave to Home & Garden (4 answers total)
Do you plan to leave them up year round or do you take them down after Christmas?

I don't have any specific suggestion, but I think leaving them up all year is going to shorten their lifespan.
posted by gideonfrog at 4:05 PM on December 5, 2021

Not all year but a few weeks before and after Christmas
posted by metadave at 4:08 PM on December 5, 2021

Y'know those ones that are tubes that are animated to look like they are dripping? I wouldn't have believed it but three out of 5 of those suckers are still going, despite everything the PNW has thrown at them all year.
posted by The otter lady at 5:58 PM on December 5, 2021

I was tired of constantly re-buying annual outdoor lights and finally splurged a few years ago for "professional" LED lights from Christmas Designers. They are significantly more expensive, but I've been thrilled with the quality. Three years in -- through Michigan winters -- I've yet to have a strand fail. And, I bought a lot of lights (~10 strands of icicles and ~20 of regular mini lights). Another bonus, for the traditional mini lights, you can choose your color "temperature" for just the right shade of white, if that's your preference, anywhere from icy blue-white to nearly yellow.
posted by hessie at 6:22 AM on December 6, 2021

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