Cafe curtains for daytime privacy which let in light
September 17, 2021 10:47 AM

I'm looking for curtains which will cover a 36 in x 36 in area of four windows which let in as much light as possible but do not let people see into my room during the day.

I don't mind if people can see that there is someone in my room, I just want to be able to get dressed without feeling self-conscious. I don't want decals because I want to be able to open the curtains to see outside. I don't need them to provide privacy at night because I have shades. I tried the answers to this question, but all the links are to full-length curtains, and I want cafe curtains.
posted by catquas to Home & Garden (8 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
In the UK we have lace things called net curtains which allow a lot of light in but make it difficult to see in from outside because they are so bright in contrast what inside.
posted by k3ninho at 11:04 AM on September 17, 2021

Could you perhaps provide a bit of information as to why searching for 'cafe curtains' has not allowed you to identify suitable curtains? If I type that into google I get a lot of hits with both web based and brick and mortar retailers.

Other search terms could be kitchen and tier curtains. Just because a curtain comes in two parts doesn't mean you have to hang both of them. Although I will admit this brings up very old fashioned options.

If the ready made options are not to your liking they are also very easy to make. They are literally rectangles of fabric - either net curtain or fairly sheer, light cotton would let in a lot of light. Many different ways to attach them. It should be very easy to find some fabric and either cut to size and sew yourself (basically straight lines) or pay somebody to do it.
posted by koahiatamadl at 11:14 AM on September 17, 2021

Oh sorry, yeah I am just having trouble telling which curtains actually work to provide privacy. Obviously really dark ones will, but I want ones that are lighter than that. I got some sheer curtains thinking they would work, but they are too transparent. I gather that "semi-sheer" might be what I am looking for, but I don't trust that just any curtains labeled that work to provide privacy. I don't want to keep getting curtains that don't work for me. Ideally I am looking for someone who has the kind of curtains I want, can confirm they provide privacy, and has a link where I can buy them.
posted by catquas at 12:51 PM on September 17, 2021

Part of what will determine the transparency of curtains is where the light is coming from. If the light in your space is brighter than the light outside, people are more likely to be able to see what's going on inside. If the light outside is brighter than the light inside, whatever's happening inside shouldn't be very easy to see from outside.
posted by Artifice_Eternity at 1:17 PM on September 17, 2021

Instead of searching for sheer, I would just look for white canvas or linen. Will allow you privacy and will still allow light through better than dark curtains. Something like these.
posted by greta simone at 2:29 PM on September 17, 2021

Double the sheer curtains.
Or try hanging a rod horizontally above the window and draping lacy cloth over it, using twice the amount that you need to cover the opening.
Experiment with sewing or pinning two panels of different materials together.
Extra folds and the space between the panels will make the curtains harder to see through.
Make two curtains per rod, so that you can fasten them to the side instead of sliding the fabric across.
posted by TrishaU at 1:19 AM on September 18, 2021

I LOVE having Cafe curtains, for all the reasons app mentioned. Here are some of the things that I purchased that I found useful:

Adhesive curtain rod clamps. These aren't the most attractive options out there, but I stick them directly to the sash so I don't have to worry too much about damaging the wood frame should I need to remove them down the line. I used to use tension rods, but a strong gust of wind would periodically blow the curtains out of the frame. They also left unsightly ring depressions into either side of the window frame.

Semi share White Cafe curtains with rings. I like these because I can easily slide them open and closed.

Send me sheer White Cafe curtains without rings. These are good if you don't plan an opening and closing the curtains. I use them on my bedroom windows.
posted by UltraMorgnus at 10:15 AM on September 18, 2021

I feel the job here is to diffuse the light while blocking as little as possible, yes? One way curtains traditionally do this is by gathering them a lot - the rectangle of curtains needs to be at least three times as wide as the window, and with fine material five or six times as wide. A small pattern on the material helps too, adding confusion to the eye. Hence Swiss dot voile, eg, for curtains.

If two panels on a rod are only partly as good as you want, you can just add more panels until it’s enough fabric. I also like to check with a friend outdoors in a couple different lights, though this doesn’t work so well for the opposite high rise…

If you don’t want ruffly, cellular shades with two layers of cells are pretty diffusive. You can’t open them sideways but you should be able to pack them into a narrow bar across the window.
posted by clew at 11:12 AM on September 18, 2021

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