Tracfone just obsoleted my phone
September 8, 2021 1:42 PM

I am not an avid cellphone user, I have never given anyone my number, I do not like speaking on the phone, and I definiely do not want a smartphone. Tracfone says my phone is obsolete, and due to changes in their carrier's system, will cease to function soon.

I always just got a Tracfone offered phone in the past, but in their current offering there are only three flip phones, and all are out of stock (probably because of others in the same boat as me). Tracfone has a BringYourOwnPhone program, where they will furnish a SIM card so the phone will work on their system, but it must be unlocked. So, how can I buy a flip phone that is UNLOCKED, so I can try to do this.
Sorry, I am only a egg, just use the phone for emergencies (and to pick up my groceries). I think I can find a phone I like somewhere on the vast internet, but how to insure it is unlocked?"
posted by ackptui to Technology (9 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
I think the term you want to search for is "feature phone," which is what flip phones are called. Looking for "unlocked feature phone" might give you more options than just "flip phone."
posted by ralan at 2:08 PM on September 8, 2021

What I need is VoLTE compatability, which my phone apparently lacks.
"unlocked VoLTE feature phone" returned 0 results on Ebay.
posted by ackptui at 2:29 PM on September 8, 2021

Something like this? Or a phone like this.
posted by sagc at 2:35 PM on September 8, 2021

There appear to be a lot of unlocked VoLTE phones on Amazon, and at Walmart. A general search for those terms turns up more options to purchase from.

Searching for "unlocked volte phone" on eBay also brings up a number of results.
posted by ralan at 2:37 PM on September 8, 2021

Wikipedia says basically that every phone sold as new these days should have VoLTE, though it doesn't appear synonymous with LTE as far as included features go. Here is GSMArena's list of featurephones that have LTE.
posted by rhizome at 4:01 PM on September 8, 2021

Tracfone used to be a great deal. I still have one because it has service for several years to come. It's the backup home phone. I think they're not that great a deal these days. I use Visible. 25/month for unlimited talk, text, data using the Verizon network. Lots more detail on reddit threads, search visible phone.
posted by theora55 at 6:26 PM on September 8, 2021

This previous thread might have some useful suggestions.
posted by mbrubeck at 7:19 PM on September 8, 2021

Here are some details on one specific option that appears to work.

My phone provider is Page Plus Cellular, which is operated by TracFone on the same network (Verizon). I have the Alcatel MyFlip 2 which I bought directly from Page Plus and is currently in stock on their web store. It's not a great phone, but it's a phone. (Let me know if you want my extremely long review.)

I just entered my own IMEI code for this phone on TracFone's "bring your own phone" page and got a green check mark and an invitation to move it to TracFone, so it appears to be compatible.

If Page Plus will sell you this phone without making you sign up for a plan (this is the part I'm not sure about), it looks like it will work on TracFone's network. I suspect that their (one) other flip phone would work also, but I don't have that one to test. My guess is that you could buy the same phone anywhere (not just from Page Plus) and it would work just fine, but I don't have anything to back up that speculation.

(As an aside, Page Plus was the lowest price I could find for "technically owning a cell phone". They have a 120-day expiration cycle for pay-as-you-go minutes, which means that if you rarely use your phone, you can spend $10 every three or four months instead of monthly.)
posted by Lirp at 11:40 PM on September 8, 2021

There is help with terminology here.

Verizon is in the process of discontinuing 3G. We have a flip phone that no longer works at the grocery store, so same as the OP. Searching for 4G and 5G might be more productive.
posted by SemiSalt at 4:51 AM on September 9, 2021

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