Chill lofi beat tutorials for new beat makers?
September 1, 2021 5:09 AM

I'm very new to beatmaking (but not new to GarageBand or Soundtrap) and would like to learn how to make beats--just beats!--in a DAW. Details below the fold.

Over the past few months I've been recording ukulele and vocals into GarageBand and recording covers. I'd like to add some beats to fill out the low end and give the songs more of a momentum, and I'm really drawn to the warmth and fullness of lofi beats. Whenever I've looked up tutorials YouTube about how to make lofi/aesthetic beats, they start with melodies--which I already have--and assume some knowledge of how to make beats, which I don't have.

My question is this: What are some resources for new beatmakers who just want to make aesthetic/lofi beats and have the melodies under control? If this helps, I want to make something that sounds a little like a glitchy, warped version of Casio presets (like this or this), but more bass-heavy.
posted by pxe2000 to Technology (1 answer total) 9 users marked this as a favorite
Get a laptop, a usb keyboard, and a trial DAW like Reason or FruityLoops or Ableton Live or Reaper and you are off to the races. YouTube has plenty of tutorials for all four of the DAWs ( Digital Audio Workstation ) I mentioned. And most importantly just start making music. Don’t overthink it and don’t spend to much time geeking out on all the gadgets you will discover. Constrain yourself and just make beats. Good luck.

Here is an example YouTube video. There are hundreds if not thousands of these types of tutorials.

MeMail me and I can share more.
posted by jasondigitized at 8:05 PM on September 1, 2021

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