Where to get printed masks in decent quality?
August 20, 2021 9:02 AM

I want to get some fun facemasks with stuff printed on them. I was looking at Redbubble, but I can't tell the quality of the (non-fitted) masks. The reviews look sort of suspicious and vague. Is there a go-to place for printed cloth masks?

They don't need to be super-high-quality, but they shouldn't be pieces of garbage. Just the flat kind, not the kind with the central seam.
posted by MetaFilter World Peace to Shopping (4 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
I know you're not looking for the very best quality, but FYI (and for others watching this thread), Puraka is selling custom masks that meet the newest mask certifications.
posted by rdn at 9:12 AM on August 20, 2021

I discovered these recently via a recommendation that I can't find a link to:


I haven't tried them, but they appear reputable.
posted by jpeacock at 9:28 AM on August 20, 2021

I bought a few masks from TeePublic (which is owned by RedBubble) last year, and they are both attractive and functional. There's a lot of bootlegged and duplicate designs (as well as some eyeroll-inducing political messages) among the user-uploaded designs, but I went for some original designs to support my favorite podcasts, as well as a few fun generic prints in both flat and pleated varieties.

The flat masks are ideal for anything with a detailed design/logo, and the pleated ones are better for textures or repeated patterns; Both feel workable and safe for going out in public or to the grocery store.
posted by Strange Interlude at 10:06 AM on August 20, 2021

I've gotten a few masks from Redbubble (with dragons). They're decent quality, they've held up the year or so I've had them - the fabric has maybe stretched a little bit and so have the elastic straps but there's no pilling or fraying or such. They don't get very frequent use (maybe once every couple of weeks?), I have six fabric masks total which I rotate and I've not needed to go out very much.

Mind you, you'd be getting something other than what I got if you ordered now, since when I bought them they only had the one type (which would be equivalent to what is now their "flat 2-layer" type) and they didn't have the bead toggles on the straps, so it looks like they've changed suppliers; but I'd expect the quality to be roughly equivalent.
posted by sailoreagle at 3:57 PM on August 20, 2021

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