Looking for good books or documentaries on the Japanese adult industry
July 23, 2021 5:48 AM

Japanese language preferred, English fine as well. Specific interests within!

I'm curious about the adult industry in Japan, specifically live-action pornographic movies (though if there are really great books etc about other types I'm interested). I suppose there are two broad interests:

1. how are these movies actually made? I'm particularly interested in the human element. Who are the women? How are they treated? (I could imagine a book doing very frank interviews with many performers being very interested) Who are shooting these movies? Who are the men? But I'm also interested in logistics...how do they get the sites? Are there laws (besides mosaics) that they're working around/with? Really just curious all around.
2. The history of pornography in japan.
3. Really though if you have any good books or documentaries (or manga or anime or whatever) in this space, I'm open to it

I know netflix did a show about the adult industry in japan in the 70s (I think?), but not sure behind that. And I feel weird asking my Japanese friends about this...
posted by anonymous to Media & Arts (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I've worked in the porn industry in Japan I can answer some of your questions in pm. I don't know what book or documentary I would recommend, I haven't read any, not even the netflix thing. I know some people still in the industry but it's been a while and none of them speak english.
posted by SageLeVoid at 7:44 AM on July 23, 2021

Although not a lengthy book, Pink Box has some pictures and short stories.
posted by Ms. Moonlight at 10:04 AM on July 23, 2021

I believe the Netflix show is Japanese drama The Naked Director. (Japanese with subtitles.)

It is a based on a biography of Japanese porn industry pioneer Muranishi Toru, who comes off as quite a character.

For something more accurate, I did a quick google scholar search and found the journal Sexualities, which turned up some examples like this. (Even if you don’t have access via a research library, you can read the abstracts for free or plug the titles into google as many researchers put up full papers on their university pages.)
posted by ec2y at 12:25 AM on July 24, 2021

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