A sink caddy that won't mold
June 27, 2021 7:21 PM

I own the slim version of this simplehuman sink caddy. It's great, except that the bottom is rubber with tiny drainage holes and is extremely prone to mold and hard to clean. Does anyone know of a sink caddy that's similar but less mold-prone. Ideally it would just have a couple metal rods at the bottom or similar.
posted by matildatakesovertheworld to Home & Garden (5 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Drill or cut bigger holes?
posted by flimflam at 8:17 PM on June 27, 2021

Can you throw it in the dishwasher?
posted by chiefthe at 4:53 AM on June 28, 2021

I also throw mine in the dishwasher (I have the second Joseph Joseph one Iris links) when i feel like it needs it. I know that probably doesn't help answer too much but also agree with making the holes bigger if you really love that simple human one.
posted by magnetsphere at 6:57 AM on June 28, 2021

For anyone stumbling across this later, I ended up buying this, which I found as a "People also look at" suggestion in one of Iris Gambol's links. Thanks all!
posted by matildatakesovertheworld at 9:40 PM on October 12, 2021

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