New Haven/Hartford commute
June 24, 2021 1:10 PM

I am going to be working in West Hartford for at least a year starting in 2022.

I would much prefer to live in Hartford, but for reasons may be living in New Haven. New Haven is my only non-Hartford option. I will have to be at work around 7:00 AM M-F, with occasional weekend days. My work start time is too early for the (new!) train or the bus. I do not currently know how to drive--I drove as a teenager back in TX but haven't for the last many years (now 44). I would be relearning how to drive specifically for this application, and I am afraid. Are there any out-of-the-box commuting options I can consider? In theory I could carpool with someone and pay them, but lateness is not an option at this job if for some reason my person doesn't drive that day. What are your thoughts? For the purposes of this question, money is no object. Thanks!
posted by 8603 to Travel & Transportation (5 answers total)
If money is no object, you could hire a car.

But if money is no object, you could also, one presumes, find a place on a bus line that is closer to your place of employment.

By car, it's about 45 minutes without traffic, but given your commuting times, you'll have traffic. 45 minutes is a long enough commute to significantly impact your quality of life.

You could significantly simplify your life by living closer to where you are going to work. I have lived in West Hartford and biked and bussed to Hartford for work and it is honestly quite nice. I've lived in the Hartford area for 6 non-contiguous years, and quite like it. Hit me on memail if you'd like to talk towns and neighborhoods or if you need anything.
posted by gauche at 1:26 PM on June 24, 2021

It's not going to be a fun commute (and will take ridiculously longer than it should), but if you do lots of connections, the CT Transit site will give you some bus options that get you there in time (assuming your job is reasonably close to the Hartford bus station). I lived in New Haven for a number of years and would occasionally travel to Hartford. The public transit options weren't that great at that time and, with the new trains, they seem better; it's a shame that doesn't work for your schedule.

Other than that, maybe Uber?
posted by Betelgeuse at 1:27 PM on June 24, 2021

One of my parents did the exact opposite commute for two decades. They drove. They left around 5:45am. It's unpleasant, but doable. Perhaps you can find others who are doing the same and join their commute (for gas, or money, or whatever)?
posted by NotMyselfRightNow at 2:28 PM on June 24, 2021

We found we enjoyed living in west Hartford more than we expected. If you must live in Hartford not West Hartford, can you get as close to the west Hartford line near university of Hartford/Elizabeth park as possible and bike or Uber to work?

I used to do that drive- New Haven to West Hartford/Farmington, with great frequency. As a daily commute I think that has the potentially to really negatively impact your quality of life significantly, regardless of how you manage to travel it (car, bus, train, etc.)
posted by slateyness at 7:42 PM on June 24, 2021

And if money is absolutely no objective I’d hire a pro car service to drive you each way, towncar there and tow car home, on a set schedule, so you have max reliability. Or hire a professional driver for yourself on a daily schedule- basically a chauffeur.

Feel free to memail me w questions about the area.
posted by slateyness at 7:45 PM on June 24, 2021

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