What should I print on waterproof paper?
June 9, 2021 7:05 AM

What should I print on waterproof paper? I bought a bunch of it, and have a color laser printer.

I bought a box of Rite in the Rain waterproof paper, and I have a color laser printer. Here are my ideas so far:
  • Quick-reference sheet for laundry symbols to hang over the washer
  • Map of my town/state
  • Bird recognition
  • CPR instructions and first aid mnemonics
  • Common phrases in other languages
  • Knot diagrams (to hang in the garage)
  • Map of our yard (sprinkler locations; dimensions/distances; where the plants are and what they are, etc.)
  • Better labels for the electrical panel
  • Rules for back yard games (cornhole, badminton, etc.) to minimize arguments
  • Kitchen unit conversions
Anything I haven't thought of?
posted by wenestvedt to Grab Bag (7 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
A QRC of the wifi credentials for use by guests at the outdoor party this weekend (because we have terrible cell service here), generated at http://qifi.org.
posted by wenestvedt at 7:14 AM on June 9, 2021

Motivational posters for the shower

(to motivate you in the shower, not to motivate the shower itself, unless your shower is indeed feeling a bit apathetic)
posted by The otter lady at 7:51 AM on June 9, 2021

A card with family and close friends' phone numbers, in case you're ever without your phone (or battery fails). Until cell phones came around, I always had this memorized (easy because numbers seldom changed). Now each of my kids are several cell numbers removed from their original ones, not to mention friends, and I can't keep up.

You may not need it much, but when you do you really do.
posted by Hardcore Poser at 8:13 AM on June 9, 2021

Pocket-size memo notebooks? Find something thicker-plasticky for the cover and have it trimmed and coil-bound at a quick printer.
posted by TWinbrook8 at 9:02 AM on June 9, 2021

Oh my. I did not know this was a thing til now, and it's even an affordable thing!

I'm so gonna have more ideas later, but for right now, here's the obnoxious one - your preferred version of "you parked like an idiot" notes. Because then even in the rain, you could just tuck them under the wiper, no worries they'd turn into an unreadable lump of paper.

Oh! And this would be nice for printable board / card games... even better, there's a cardstock available.

While searching for cardstock, I discovered that Rite in the Rain also makes recipe cards... so why not a custom recipe book?

Oh! And if you have any use at all for them, printable The Story Engine or The Story Engine: Deck of Worlds (kickstarter link) cards.

I'm so in love with my new B/W laser printer, I've been want to add a color one to the household, too. I think you've just given me another *reason* to want one... :)
posted by stormyteal at 10:16 AM on June 9, 2021

I asked my son this question, and he said "Origami sailboat." He said he figures, despite it not NEEDING printing, decorating it might be nice, and it's too good an opportunity to waste. (No clue if there are actually patterns for such a thing, but...)

I add to that, origami cups or balls/balloons.
posted by stormyteal at 2:36 PM on June 10, 2021

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