Could you explain to me how to get Botox like I'm...uh, 5?
June 7, 2021 3:06 PM

I've been thinking about getting Botox to minimize a furrow that's developing between my brows, and possibly exploring undereye filler as a way to reduce my lifelong dark circles. I'm having trouble figuring out the basics/logistics of how to find a provider. Could you help me understand the basics? I'm mostly curious about the general process, but I'm also open to Chicago-area provider recommendations.

I'm in my mid-30s, and I'm developing a furrow between my brows that is becoming increasingly evident. My mom has a similar (now much deeper) furrow that started developing at around the same age. I'm interested in reducing the existing furrow and also potentially limiting further development.

My impression based on reading past questions is that this type of furrow is easily treated with Botox. I've also had chronic dark undereye circles since I was a little kid and have read that undereye filler might help improve their appearance.

I live in a big city (Chicago) and it seems like there are lots of different types of providers who offer Botox and other injectables. Even after doing research I'm having trouble figuring out what kind of professional I need--a dermatologist, plastic surgeon, nurse esthetician, some other type of professional?

Also, are there things I should keep in mind when evaluating potential providers? I've looked at Yelp/Google reviews of providers and galleries on a number of provider websites. That said, I'm not sure what kind of warning signs I should be on the lookout for and would love some advice!

Thanks so much!
posted by cimton to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (15 answers total) 14 users marked this as a favorite
Yeah, I can't speak to the filler question because I've not had it, but Botox will knock that furrow RIGHT OUT. That's exactly what Botox is for. (I have Botox in the same area, as well as in my forehead for lines there -- I'm about a decade older than you are -- and around my eyes for crows feet. I love it!) You don't need to go to a plastic surgeon; I get mine from my dermatologist, who has a thriving cosmetic dermatology side to her practice. I'd look for a cosmetic dermatologist, but also Botox is much more common than you might think, and I bet some of your friends are already getting it. If you have any friends who are very upfront up all their upkeep (hair, tanning, nails, etc -- not necessarily Botox), I'd mention to them that I'm thinking about getting it and see what they say. I bet at least one of them will say, "oh, I see Dr SoAndSo," and there you are.
posted by Countess Sandwich at 3:39 PM on June 7, 2021

My dermatologist is Sarah Kasprowicz in River North. She has quite competently removed some precancerous nasties from me and I liked her and her office and staff a lot. I've never been interested in botox/etc, but her practice does offer cosmetic dermatology. She is where I personally would go to start my questions if I wanted botox.

I shadowed a plastic surgeon in high school for a project and personally I would not get anything injected into my face from anyone who 1) isn't an MD and 2) doesn't do cosmetics every day. You want someone who is highly trained in knowing the musculature and vascular structure of human faces and you want someone who could do it in their sleep.
posted by phunniemee at 4:16 PM on June 7, 2021

I prefer searching on Real Self instead of Yelp/Google. It's a site that has reviews, information about procedures, and a lot of before and afters from real doctors in your area.
posted by quince at 4:20 PM on June 7, 2021

Do you have a regular GP you trust? It might not hurt to hit them up for some recommendations.
posted by The Underpants Monster at 5:47 PM on June 7, 2021

I once asked a GP this question and she sneered at me and said she wouldn’t know as she’d never consider getting Botox herself. Nice. Hopefully the OP has better luck than I did. Personally I would ask friends who they’d recommend.
posted by Jubey at 6:20 PM on June 7, 2021

Hello, are you me and do you have my forehead and mother? I got just a little bit of botox there in late 2019 at a highly rated medspa in the fanciest part of town. I chose it because I figured rich ladies wouldn't tolerate bad work. It cost about $500 (in Oakland, CA), took about half an hour including the consultation, and was comparative in discomfort to an eyebrow wax. I had a bit of a headache that evening and it took a good three days for it to start to take effect and probably 7-10 days.

At first, I wasn't sure if I liked it. Not being able to move that part of my face no matter how hard I tried was freaky. I couldn't scowl! A month in, I decided I liked it and by six weeks, I loved it. I looked so much more awake and less cranky looking. Also, I honestly think it improved my mood a little. I didn't get tension headaches as easily because I couldn't scowl and it seemed to disrupt the be cranky-scowl-be crankier-scowl body/mind feedback loop.

My nascent eyebrow furrows are driving me nuts now, especially after a year that I think aged me five. I'm getting botox again as soon as I can.
posted by mostlymartha at 7:54 PM on June 7, 2021

My Chicago derm has a fancy cosmetic part of his practice, although I don’t know if he does it himself or has a whole big staff of people, including other docs who do that. I’ve been seeing him for over a decade, although not for cosmetic procedures and think it’s a great outfit if you are looking for Chicago places to check out.
posted by Bunglegirl at 8:24 PM on June 7, 2021

I get regular Botox for migraines at my neurologist’s, and every once in a while when the PA is doing the injections he’ll slip a little into my mid-brow furrow while he’s in the neighborhood. Not only does it help the migraines, but the furrow basically disappears. After all the negative side effects I’ve had from medications over the years, I will take a positive one any time.
posted by The Underpants Monster at 9:11 PM on June 7, 2021

I had a touch of Botox some years ago, after the (merciful) end of a terrible relationship. Wanted to erase the misery look from my face, it reminded me of how I felt with my ex. I went to a place that does Botox a LOT. I saw a doctor, but I remember reading that what mattered was injecting skill. The placement of the needle in the muscle (and depth), decision about how much to use… I used like a small amount and it didn’t freeze my face at all, I could move my brows etc. Looked pretty good in that all it did was get rid of the 11s.

Lasted 4-5 months? Can last longer if there’s a lot or if you don’t work out (exercise somehow makes it metabolize faster, be warned).

I haven’t used it since then, god, it was almost ten years ago. No crappy boyfriend + I got a decent prescription for my glasses (and stopped wearing contacts) so I squint less = no need, actually.

About filler: mmm, I looked into this once, I didn’t like the risks (iirc, odd lumps not going anywhere) so I backed off. If your under eye area is blueish, that’s just your veins peeking through a delicate area, I don’t think much can be done about that. Makeup I think is the answer to that problem (plus of course a healthy lifestyle). Or, glasses hide them :)

RealSelf is where I looked for info, recommend
posted by cotton dress sock at 10:40 PM on June 7, 2021

Under eye circles can also be caused by allergies; the term there is allergic shiners. Mine are way less noticeable when my allergies are under control.
posted by nat at 1:09 AM on June 8, 2021

Okay so everyone has covered Botox. Under eye fillers. This is difficult and easy to get wrong so lots of inexperienced doctors of fillers will warn you off. When you go to a super pricey professional doctor who specializes in eyes- don’t be surprised to find out your problems aren’t what you thought they were. I went to Sabrina shah desai in London (you can google her) for under eye filler and ended up needing something completely different. You should do a Skype consult with her- you won’t regret it. Then you’ll know what you’re looking for and if under eye filler is for you.
posted by pairofshades at 2:32 AM on June 8, 2021

Seconding pairofahades, filler in general needs a high level of skill, doubly so for undereye. will point you to people who know what they are doing.

I get Botox both for cosmetic and medical reasons (to reduce migraines and jaw clenching as well as preventing wrinkles on my forehead). I found my aesthetician on Yelp and I really like her. She does my lip filler also, which needs a delicate touch to not look weird or fake. If someone can do a good, realistic lip, I would trust them to do well with under eye filler.
posted by ananci at 6:41 AM on June 8, 2021

OMG, is that correct cotton dress sock (love your Meta handle!)? An application only lasts four to five months. I thought at least a year or so. Jesus.
posted by zenpop at 8:59 AM on June 8, 2021

I get mine every three months.
posted by The Underpants Monster at 9:52 AM on June 8, 2021

I got botox in the same area at the same age in the same metropolis, and had a completely satisfactory experience with a cheap groupon from a place that seemed clean and high-volume, lasted roughly a year before the crease returned to the same depth. It did start wearing off around the 5-6 month mark, but it was definitely a year before it was fully "gone."

If you find great Chicago-area results for hereditary non-allergy-related dark circles, please report back! I've also been investigating fillers for dark circles, but yeah, seems a much more delicate business.
posted by All hands bury the dead at 8:23 PM on June 8, 2021

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