online book club
April 24, 2021 11:29 PM   Subscribe

I am looking for a guided online book club or community to join - some details inside. Have you found one that you've liked?

I find it hard to read books in a vacuum and have found in the past that discussions help a lot (both for motivation to read, and in making connections on the ideas / themes I'm reading about).

My ideal set up:
- curated book picks (need not be around a theme, ok if the reader doesn't have input into the book choice)
- on a set time schedule (one book every month, etc.)
- have an online venue (forum, etc.) for discussion of the book, preferably fairly active (more than one or two people participating) with substantial, high quality conversations
- guided discussions, maybe with a facilitator
- async, text based format

Does such a thing exist? I would be interested in both fiction and non-fiction. I would also be open to a paying service as well as free options.
posted by dragonfruit to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (2 answers total) 11 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Rebel book club. It's amazing in all the ways you list and way more :)
posted by flimflamflop at 1:22 AM on April 25, 2021

Best answer: Since this hasn't had many answers, I'll mention that technically you could start one here on Metafilter and announce it here on the Fanfare talk page to maybe get more than one or two people involved. Aside from general solutions like that or Goodreads / LibraryThing groups, I know r/Fantasy has several active, reasonable book clubs and I think r/printSF has one common read a month. I don't know about guided discussions, but personally I've had better success just reading the books suggested in works of criticism I'm reading for other reasons. Some introductory/general options like that include lectures by Nabokov (see also), Borges, Jo Walton, or Ruthanna Emrys and Anne Pillsworth.
posted by Wobbuffet at 11:48 AM on April 25, 2021

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