Keep me warmish!
April 22, 2021 1:53 PM

I need a mid-weight hoodie. Do you have a favorite one?

Like a lot of people who are now working from home permanently, I've become a fan of wearing a hoodie around the house during work. The weather's getting better, so I no longer need the heavy weight hoodies I have been wearing (Champion Reverse Weave hoodies, mostly), and I need something a little lighter.

I live in Portland, so what I need is a hoodie for, well, today: it's about 57F right now, at 1.45PM, and it's gonna be low- to mid-60's for a high. So the super warm hoodie is too much, but the super thin style like this isn't quite warm enough. So I need the Goldilocks of hoodies - not too warm, not too cold.

I prefer zip up, but I'm also open to pullovers if they're the right weight. Money's not really an object up to about $70 or so (so I guess it is an object...hahaha), but it does need to be a hoodie that's available in 2x or 3x and not a "slim cut", as I'm not exactly a slim cut either.

Hit me with your favorites!
posted by pdb to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (6 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Uniqlo has an all-cotton zip "sweat hoodie" which is actually pretty light and is my last step between no topper at all and my LL Bean flannel-lined hoodie. It works for a low 60s day. I'm a woman, but there's a men's version (I note that the reviews talk about a generous cut, so that might work well for you). Bonus: affordable. Available in 2x and 3x (...though, augh, annoyingly, they don't seem to be in stock at the moment....but since I've written this out I'll leave it for your reference anyway).
posted by praemunire at 2:40 PM on April 22, 2021

I love Chrome's hoodies. Just got a second one but the first (~3y old, 3-season every-other-day wear) is still going strong. I usually get them on sale.
posted by supercres at 3:42 PM on April 22, 2021

I am in Portland and was also going to suggest the Carhartt Rain Defender. I was a bit uncertain because they might be slightly toward the heavy side, but I’m wearing mine right now in a warm room, for what it’s worth. They’re great in both cold and transitional weather, and hold up to washing well.
posted by Carouselle at 5:56 PM on April 22, 2021

I have a hoodie from Prana that's super soft and perfect for spring temps. I wear it all day every day, inside and out.
posted by goatdog at 6:02 PM on April 22, 2021

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. A Carharrt Rain Defender is always the answer.

I agree wholeheartedly. Best darn hoodie I've ever owned.
posted by james33 at 6:48 AM on April 23, 2021

It's out of your price range (so not as helpful, sorry) but I love my American Giant hoodie. I've converted a few friends to it as well. Super comfortable, looks nice, and they're really not joking around about the lifetime warranty. Mine started wearing out after 6 years of daily wear - I emailed them, they asked for the receipt and a photo, and sent a new one the next day. Never asked for the old one back, either. A friend had the same experience.
posted by Vhanudux at 11:05 AM on April 23, 2021

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