Whose homecoming should be first?
April 10, 2021 2:05 PM

I adopted B last year. I recently started considering getting a companion cat, and finally zeroed on a kitty who sounded perfect - female, friendly, young (I have only gotten videos and descriptions as the adoption folks aren't doing in-person visits. Thanks, covid). This is a question about how their introduction should be handled, with a small additional wrinkle. Details past the jump.

I had to travel to visit my family unexpectedly, and B is currently with a pet boarding service. The initial plan was to bring new kitty home in a couple of weeks. Unfortunately, the lady fostering her also has to travel on a super short notice - before I can return, as a matter of fact. We have not been able to find a new foster for the next fortnight. So we are at this non-ideal scenario where the foster would leave new kitty at the same boarding service for a week, before I can pick both the cats up. Best case scenario - they kinda sorta see and get used to each other there. But I obviously cannot depend on that.
Someone suggested bringing home B first and give him a chance to readjust to my place, and introduce new kitty. Someone else suggested the exact reverse of that. What would you do? I am so anxious for this to go well.
Bonus question - if you have the One Definitive Way/Guide to introduce two cats in a way that they become lifetime buddies, I'd love to hear it. Many many thanks!
Cat tax
posted by Nieshka to Pets & Animals (3 answers total)
Um, B is my current cat/snuggle buddy/resident loon. I just... skipped right past explaining that.
posted by Nieshka at 2:08 PM on April 10, 2021

Partner (animal behavior is their thing) says the boarding environment is likely to be chaotic and overwhelming enough that the cats likely will not even notice each other specifically, so that's not likely to be a complicating factor. They recommend this article for basics about how to introduce cats. Mostly they need loooooots of positive reinforcement, e.g. "when I see this other cat, I get desirable things, such as really tasty treats or playtime with my favorite toy."

Also, both cats are likely to be very stressed when removed from boarding. If there's any possible way for them/someone else to hold New Cat until B can readjust to being home again, that's what they would recommend.
posted by brook horse at 2:46 PM on April 10, 2021

I don't think it would be at all good for B arrive home, after a stressful absence, to find an interloper in her territory. I feel sad for B just thinking about it :(

Is there some way to pay for a house-visiting cat sitter for the new kitty while the fosterer is away? That seems least stressful for the foster kitty.
posted by amtho at 4:49 PM on April 10, 2021

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