posting links to comments
March 25, 2006 6:55 AM   Subscribe

Okay, I feel dumb, but how to I post a link to a comment? I type the link in the header bar, and then hit "link" but it doesn't show up. Thanks.
posted by haikuku to Computers & Internet (5 answers total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: you can re-ask this on MetaTalk since it's metafilter related.

You mean to a particular Metafilter comment? The link is in the date. The format is:

<a href="http://linkgoeshere">Title of link</a>
posted by Civil_Disobedient at 6:59 AM on March 25, 2006

If you hover over the timestamp of the comment you should be able to then right-click (depends on browser of course) and copy the link. For example, in C_D's comment Then you can either type in the HTML or click on "link" which will ask you for the URL which you can paste in now and then add your link text to the HTML. Like this.
posted by keijo at 7:04 AM on March 25, 2006

Along the same lines, how do you link to a certain section of a large web page (outside of MF)? Say a bit of text in the body of an article.
posted by recurve at 7:18 AM on March 25, 2006

And you are not dumb! Or if you are you're in good company :-)
It took me an AskMeFi question before I could even LINK!
it is not as intuitive as many techies think but the feedback from MeFites was so good it made me feel that I wasn't as dumb as I thought!
posted by Wilder at 7:18 AM on March 25, 2006

Copy the comment link using keijo's instructions. Type the text you want to appear as the link text. Highlight it. Then, click the link button. Paste your copied link in the popup box that appears.

On preview, recurve, you can only do that if they've marked up their text into particular sections. Sometimes you can tell they've done that because there are navigational links at the beginning of the text. If all the text is just one big block, you're probably out of luck. Is there a particular page you're wanting to link to? If so, give the URL and someone will probably be able to tell you what's possible.
posted by donnagirl at 7:25 AM on March 25, 2006

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