Fiscal Year End Filter
March 24, 2006 2:02 PM

What's the quickest interactive way to find out a company's fiscal year end?

What's the quickest interactive way to find out a company's fiscal year end? If I am talking to a client over the phone and they mention several companies that we might have to audit it's important to know that the companies are 12/31 or june 30 year end. It's possible to scramble around looking for their 10K to find this but what I'd really love is a good search string that'll pinpoint it and/or a website that does this as part of its standard service.
posted by kaytrem to Work & Money (2 answers total)

I'd verify against the EDGAR filings, but yeah, the Yahoo Finance key statistics is probably the best way to do it quickly.
posted by sachinag at 2:34 PM on March 24, 2006

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