interesting pacific vessels
October 26, 2020 8:10 PM

What types of small boats or similar might we see on our walk across the Pacific (if we're really lucky)?

Note: I am especially interested in motor minimalist transportation. Already have a map of cargo ships and tankers, they're basically everywhere. My previous question seems to have overlooked the small vessels.

Custom oversized barrels? Polynesian canoes? Rafts made of trash with an eco agenda? How often do we see sailboats? Links and/or details please!
posted by aniola to Travel & Transportation (3 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
The timing may not coincide with your walk (as it is only launched each February), however the ceremonial waka Ngātokimatawhaorua is impressive. Link1
The waka can carry up to 150 crew - many would be paddlers. Link2
posted by The Patron Saint of Spices at 3:03 AM on October 27, 2020

The map here shows all commercial vessels, worldwide. Green are cargo vessels, red are tankers, orange are fishing vessels, lavender are pleasure craft, aqua are tugs and special craft.

It looks crowded on the map, but it's a big ocean. Really big.

I was meaning to reply to one of your earlier posts that it's not completely too late for you to encounter some kind of flotsam from the 2011 tsunami in Japan.
posted by SemiSalt at 6:57 AM on October 27, 2020


It's listed under Emeritus Vessels on the main list of vessels owned by Scripps so maybe not.
posted by ArgentCorvid at 7:06 AM on October 27, 2020

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