Which far right group carries this flag?
October 7, 2020 8:15 PM   Subscribe

What do red, orange, and blue flags signify?

A friend in SLC saw Trump supporters carrying pro Trump signs as well as flags that are red, blue, and orange (from top to bottom) equal sized horizontal stripes before the VP debate tonight. What do these flags represent? I’m assuming a far right group because they were all Trump supporters but that could be an incorrect assumption. She’s a native Utahn and they aren’t a Utah thing as far as she’s aware.
posted by Waiting for Pierce Inverarity to Society & Culture (4 answers total)
That describes the flag of Armenia.
posted by jedicus at 8:19 PM on October 7, 2020 [1 favorite]

Best answer: The flag of Armenia?

Armenia and Azerbaijan are fighting now. I think some on the right regard this as a proxy Islam / Christian war.
posted by Sauce Trough at 8:19 PM on October 7, 2020 [2 favorites]

It's also possible that a pro-Armenian group just decided to show up where they knew the cameras might be. Along similar lines, a the flag of East Turkestan (home of the Uighur minority in China) was recently spotted among a group of Trump supporters outside Walter Reed.
posted by Johnny Assay at 4:22 AM on October 8, 2020 [3 favorites]

I would not put much right-wing reading into this if it is the Armenian flag. I don't live in Little Armenia proper but my city is like 90% Armenian. There are cars driving around with that flag and even the occasional upside-down American flag. If anything they hate the U.S. government for not forcing Turkey to recognize the Armenian Genocide of 1915 (IIRC) by Turkey. There is a recent and current war over some bit of territory between Turkey and Armenia going on right now. I'd be pretty surprised if there was somehow a large contingent of Armenian right-wing Trump supporters because it just doesn't seem possible based on my 20 years of living with mostly Armenian neighbors.

Seriously, just last night I was outside and a random old Armenian dude out on a walk stopped to make sure I knew what was going on with the whole Armenia / Turkey thing for the past 100 years.
posted by zengargoyle at 10:59 AM on October 9, 2020 [1 favorite]

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