A Dinner Mystery game for these uncertain times
August 24, 2020 4:02 PM

Looking for a family friendly at-home dinner mystery game for a intergenerational family bubble of 6 adults and a teen (ages 15 to 50) - any recommendations along with what you liked and didn't like?

It's time to refresh since the last ask was in 2011.
posted by dum spiro spero to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I hosted a very large murder mystery party (35+) which was too chaotic to do a real dinner -- we just had some finger food options and drinks. We went with Freeform Games and had an absolute blast. There was much printing out of items / character sheets -- maybe this could be avoided with using PDFs on phones and folks tracking their items on a pad of paper. I personally think if you can keep people off their phones it'll be a better time.

They have a wide array of games for different sized groups. Be aware that not every game is the most thoughtfully written. The first game I purchased was a wild west theme. I returned it very quickly after reading the parts for the Native American characters. I let them know I found it problematic, they refunded me and I found a different game that was more thoughtfully written.

It was a SUPER FUN TIME and I can't wait to do another one.
posted by sewellcm at 10:46 AM on August 25, 2020

Update: Based on previous asks, I went with the Michael Akers' Sour Grapes of Wrath and a good time was had by all.
posted by dum spiro spero at 4:43 PM on September 24, 2020

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