Popup protest breakfast station
July 3, 2020 9:40 PM

Assuming all goes well tonight, I'm coordinating a pop-up breakfast hospitality station tomorrow morning for a local protest against police killings of unarmed black men. The protestors (who appear to number around 100 right now) will have been there all night, and I'm the only one doing the shopping, but I'll have 3+ assistants, multiple vehicles, large plastic bins, and a handcart on site. I don't have a Costco membership or similar. Build my early AM 4th of July shopping list, please!
posted by deludingmyself to Food & Drink (9 answers total)
Trying to think of things in portions, quick to grab for virus control.

Bagels with individual packages of cream cheese or almond butter.
Greek yogurt
Protein granola bars

I'm leaving out muffins and donuts because they're full of sugar and bad to eat on an empty stomach.
posted by DixieBaby at 9:55 PM on July 3, 2020

I'm pretty sure that Costco is closed for the holiday. Do you have a 'Food Service Warehouse' in your area? its like Costco but no membership is needed and open to the general public. It caters to restaurants and small business like convenience stores. I would go there and do the shopping. I think buying everything that is prepackaged is best so its totally grab and go. I would appreciate canned/bottled coffee, juice, water, milk, individual boxes of cereal, cheese, egg bites, and pastries.
posted by tipsyBumblebee at 9:57 PM on July 3, 2020

Before I go to bed: I'll have a cooler for drinks but no cooking. Assume a standard megamart grocery store since that's what I know is open tomorrow. Strong preference for grab and go type suggestions given the pandemic, as well as other things we could stock (hand sanitizer, sunscreen).
posted by deludingmyself at 10:25 PM on July 3, 2020

Baby wipes, gloves, sanitizing wipes, cheap sunglasses, and chapstick perhaps?
posted by tipsyBumblebee at 10:53 PM on July 3, 2020

Hot coffee (not sure if they're available right now but Starbucks and Peet's sell those large coffee containers with plastic spouts, call the store at least 15 minutes ahead to order then pick it up). Don't forget cream and sugar, and lids for the cups
Pre-peeled hardboiled eggs, bring serving tongs or spoons and napkins
Cheese sticks
Pastries or muffins
Protein bars
I like the idea of chapstick
A few extra masks if you have any (for people who might have sweaty, wet, broken, or dirty masks)
Small first aid kit if there are no medics there, to hand out e.g. a bandaid or Neosporin
External phone charger
posted by Red Desk at 11:07 PM on July 3, 2020

Bottles of water, bananas, snack bars, doughnuts/muffins, coffee, some sort of energy drink.
posted by Balthamos at 4:02 AM on July 4, 2020

I generally like some sort of bar for breakfast, especially if I’m not sitting down at a table to eat. Clif bars are good, with many different flavors, but also pricey. Usually I’ll just eat a Quaker chewy granola bar. Nature Valley oats and honey are a classic too.
posted by kevinbelt at 5:05 AM on July 4, 2020

String cheese, for fellow egg-haters who want some savory protein. Or even sliced cheese and salami.
posted by purenitrous at 7:55 AM on July 4, 2020

Maybe pick up large numbers of three different types of breakfast burritos (make sure one is a no meat option).
posted by WalkerWestridge at 12:33 PM on July 4, 2020

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