If you've a UK garden allotment, may you sell your veg for profit?
June 22, 2020 7:25 AM

So I'm trying to get to the bottom of UK garden allotments. According to wikipedia (HERE) "Each plot cannot exceed forty square rods (1000 m2) and must be used for the production of fruit or vegetables for consumption by the plot-holder and their family (1922), or of flowers for use by the plot-holder and their family." So you can't sell the extra at a farmer's market?
posted by rileyray3000 to Grab Bag (3 answers total)
"The answer is yes. Or possibly no. Perhaps the best answer is “it depends.”" It sounds like you can sell the surplus produce off-site as long as your tenancy agreement doesn't forbid it.

But it might also violate the unwritten norms of the community - see this PDF. "So, while there is some room for interpretation, legally allotment gardeners can trade a surplus (off site), and councils or associations can let vacant plots to market gardeners. But, as people who value allotments and what they represent, do we welcome this legal dispensation? Do we want to see more, or less of it? "
posted by showbiz_liz at 7:33 AM on June 22, 2020

Probably not. It kind of goes against the philosophy of allotments. I have no doubt that most people would have no trouble with someone selling a few pots of jam at a village fete, but the allotment holders (and allotment manager) I know would definitely not be on board with someone operating a business (of whatever size) with produce from their allotment.
posted by pipeski at 7:42 AM on June 22, 2020

Some more links that might bring you an answer, though it does sound like, as showbiz_liz says, it might depend on your individual allotment - either what the missive of let says (that's in Scotland, probably called something else elsewhere, but basically the tenancy agreement), or the rules of the local allotment association.

Scottish Allotments and Gardens Society website, which includes the

Scottish Plotholder's Guide.
posted by penguin pie at 12:23 PM on June 22, 2020

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