Website recommendations for life skills?
April 12, 2020 6:33 AM

I'm looking for websites with information about any sustainable/frugal living skills, readable information rather than videos. The biggest thing I want to avoid is websites that are largely about what to buy, I'm trying to get in the mindset of being creative and working with what I have when possible. I'd love recommendations for websites with an ethos along those lines too!

I'm looking for websites with information about any sustainable/frugal living skills, readable information rather than videos. I've found good ones for recipes, diy home repair and vegetable gardening. I'm open to any suggestions for the topics, but some I want to learn more about are house building, renewable energy, and composting. I find accounts of personal experiences with sustainable living interesting too.

The biggest thing I want to avoid is websites that are largely about what to buy, I'm trying to get in the mindset of being creative and working with what I have when possible. I'd love recommendations for websites with an ethos along those lines too!
posted by Eyelash to Home & Garden (6 answers total) 17 users marked this as a favorite
Are you familiar with the More With Less cookbook? I know you've already found recipes and this is literally a cookbook, but it's also full of tidbits of the philosopy of sustainability and doing, well... more with less. It's not a website, but it looks like it's on google books. (There's another one too, Living More With Less, but I haven't read that one, so I can't speak to it.)
posted by unlapsing at 8:20 AM on April 12, 2020

Not a website, because she was pre-web (gasp!), but Amy Dacyzyn wrote a newsletter for a number of years promoting frugality and self-sufficiency. The newsletters have been compiled into a book.
posted by sarajane at 8:42 AM on April 12, 2020

I haven’t been involved with them for years, but the Simple Living Forums used to be my go to for that kind of thing. People on that site can probably direct you to other helpful sites. It looks like the main simple living website has closed down, but the forums still seem to be active. Voluntary simplicity may or may not be a good search term now. Unfortunately, that movement got coopted by people trying to sell stuff, Simple Living magazine being a good example of that. (And then journalists writing articles about voluntary simplicity would use that magazine as a source, and just ugh.)

I can also say that Living More with Less is a great book for this, though I note you specified websites.
posted by FencingGal at 9:01 AM on April 12, 2020

Mother Earth News has a lot of readable information about all the topics you described.
posted by barchan at 7:18 PM on April 12, 2020

Thanks for the recommendations, I'm going to be looking into all of these!
posted by Eyelash at 6:05 PM on April 13, 2020

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