Apps that gamify no-spend days
April 10, 2020 1:26 PM

I'm looking for a really simple app that allows me to input no-spend days and gives me a badge or something when I don't spend for X days while tracking my discretionary spending. Lots of great money apps out there, but I do not want to link anything to my online banking accounts or track debt repayments.

This previous question from 2012 captures the spirit of what I'm after. Mint is not relevant and Expense Management Premium either no longer exists or isn't available in Canada.

I basically want something cute to happen when I don't spend money, and say "good luck tomorrow! you can do it!" when I do.

Don't Break the Chain isn't quite cutting it for me. I supposed I could put a fun sticker on a calendar but I'm looking for an app-based solution. Thanks!
posted by Juniper Toast to Technology (1 answer total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
I've heard good things about the I Am Sober app, not sure if it would be sufficiently adaptable for your needs. Habitica is also great!
posted by miratime at 4:45 PM on April 10, 2020

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