Coronavirus parenting
March 26, 2020 6:11 PM

During the pandemic, I work from home full time. As a single mom, I also care for my special needs five year old full time. And video conference teach him and see to his needs. And that was kind of okay for like three days, but isn't sustainable.

My bosses don't know my child has significant behavior needs. It seems crazy to keep working full time and parenting full time. My child needs to move significantly more than others (and touch things) and we currently live in an apartment. My state is currently sheltering in place with pretty active community spread. My usual sources of support are either old or young (with higher exposure list). For the purposes of the pandemic, the dad is not at all involved.

Can I ask to use short term disability for this? My large corporation has only allowed for full time work at home. My child typically gets full time support at school through his IEP.

How are other single parents doing this? How are other parents with young kids with significant special needs working from home full time? Yes, I'm greatful to have a home and a job. I know I'm lucky.
posted by Kalmya to Work & Money (2 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Look into whether you are eligible for FMLA or Families First Coronavirus Response Act. The FFCRA, for those who qualify, stipulates 10 weeks leave at 2/3 pay to care for children who are out of school due to coronavirus.
posted by carrioncomfort at 7:13 PM on March 26, 2020

> Can I ask to use short term disability for this?

I am not a lawyer but I recently had a conversation with someone who had looked into this lately (this was in the US). The person was told that they could use short-term disability to dedicate time to toilet-training their child, who has a disability that makes toilet-training a more involved process than average. So, I would think that yes, you could.
posted by The corpse in the library at 8:37 PM on March 26, 2020

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