For the Queen?
March 22, 2020 3:57 AM

A few people have recommended For the Queen recently. I want to play the Roll20 version with a group of friends, but we're struggling to find instructions for the online version and none of us own the boxed game; does anyone have a link to the game instructions?

All I've found after some web searching is a link to a multi-hour video of people playing the game. I find video and audio much, much harder to follow than prose instructions - I can't pay attention as well to listening or watching as I can to reading and I find it really hard to retain information that I've heard or watched compared to information that I've read. I'm going to struggle to learn this game if the only "instructions" are watching someone else playing it through. And I find trial and error kind of stressful, particularly if I also feel like I'm wasting other people's time while trying to figure something out, so I'd prefer to have at least some idea of how to play before our first game session next week.

If anyone has a link to some written instructions for this game (and specifically how the Roll20 version works - are there instructions buried in the Roll20 interface somewhere?), I would be immensely grateful!
posted by terretu to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (4 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
It's weird that there's no instructions from the manufacturer although they say in the description that they're included. You could try asking Evil Hat directly.
posted by fiercekitten at 9:45 AM on March 22, 2020

I'm sorry, I don't own the game; the For the Queen SRD is available, but doesn't go into much detail.
posted by siskin at 11:09 AM on March 22, 2020

So I showed the creator your ask, and she said that she is now keen on getting some instructions specific for the Roll20 game together :) I would email Evil Hat just so they can be in contact and know that you asked about this, since she told me to communicate no specific promises (since it's a bit a topsy turvy time right now, also it's probably better to just talk to Evil Hat directly!)

I own the physical game, and basically the instructions are located in the first 10-20 cards when you pull them from the deck, so that might be why it's confusing.
posted by yueliang at 7:15 PM on March 22, 2020

Thanks for this - between the SRD and the instructions I found after a small amount of poking around in Roll20 (turns out they're in there, they're just buried in one of the top tabs on the chat sidebar), I think I'm now at the point where I know what I'm doing.
posted by terretu at 9:32 AM on March 24, 2020

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