Dumb couple stuff, creativity needed!
March 2, 2020 4:43 PM   Subscribe

My little brother and his girlfriend are moving in with each other in a couple months after being long distance their whole relationship. Help me buy them fun care package things they can enjoy once they're actually living together!

I don't mean like housewarming things, I mean like stuff they can enjoy together specifically now that they're not driving 20 hours a month and trading off weekends.

Currently on my list are those Korean foot peel masks. They've never had 10 straight days together to watch the skin shedding horror come to fruition.

Budget: medium, I'd prioritize quantity over quality for this so I can pack up a diverse box
Must be nonperishable and fairly rugged so I can ship it 1000 miles across the US
posted by phunniemee to Grab Bag (10 answers total) 9 users marked this as a favorite
Codenames Duet - cooperative word game, it's hard and fun
posted by LobsterMitten at 4:46 PM on March 2, 2020 [6 favorites]

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective game - the box contains ten mystery cases in individual booklets - for each case you get clues, a newspaper from the day, a directory of London, a map, and together you decide which witnesses to interview and try to solve the crime. Each one takes a couple hours or more, very fun if they like this kind of thing. It's not really a game-game, no pieces on the board or anything like that, it's just how well you can find the clues and put things together.
posted by LobsterMitten at 4:52 PM on March 2, 2020 [3 favorites]

Perhaps some sort of way to encourage an investment baking or food project, so to speak. Cinnamon roll cookbook, kombucha kit, popsicle mold. Anything that requires one or more days of rising, waiting, or setting.

A huge puzzle - with like over a thousand pieces.

Some sort of tv or movie series to binge on while snuggling. I know when I was in an LDR, I never wanted to “waste” time on watching tv or movies and always wanted to be doing something together actively.
posted by itsamermaid at 5:32 PM on March 2, 2020 [1 favorite]

Jenga with couples advice written on some of them. “Never go to be hangry”
posted by tilde at 6:31 PM on March 2, 2020

Miracle Berry tablets and a gift card for food to taste. I suggest mustard and salt & vinegar chips.
posted by sacrifix at 7:14 PM on March 2, 2020 [1 favorite]

Cheese making kits, especially mozzarella ones, are easy and fun. Maybe with a book about home made pizza if they like to cook.
posted by ananci at 7:17 PM on March 2, 2020

I know coloring books are sooo 2015 or whatever but DON’T CARE coloring books are fun. Big fat crayons and grocery store coloring books. Especially if they come with stickers.
posted by Orange Dinosaur Slide at 7:45 PM on March 2, 2020 [2 favorites]

Cribbage board and cards. A game of cribbage is just the right thing when you are mad at the world and maybe your partner too. I always find we start talking while playing.
posted by Ftsqg at 10:43 AM on March 3, 2020

My favorite two player game is Battle Line! Like all the best games it is easy to learn and difficult to master. Maybe I can convince Mr. Fog to play a match tonight!
posted by zeusianfog at 4:28 PM on March 3, 2020

Gift certificate for Bowling
Co-op Video Game -- I'd suggest Stardew Valley it's not overly expensive and great fun
His/Hers Mugs/towels/pillowcases...all the things.
Fondue pot with recipes (cheese, chocolate, oil, etc.)
Photo album/frames for pictures together -- also baby pictures/childhood pictures of your brother/family
Twister board
Nerf Guns
Mad libs
Movies/DVD/Netflix subscription
Water-balloons/squirt guns to solve arguments
Seeds/starter pots for a garden
Candles/matches (target has really cute matches with colored tips)
Wine/Beer making kits
Pasta maker
Crossword puzzle book
Crayola air dry clay
A couples journal
Paint by number/diamond painting
Google mini

I think that a wreath that reflects a shared interest (sports team/doctor who/disney/whatever) for the front door makes a great house warming gift...even more so if it's customized or created by you :) or even a door mat type thing...might work here...

might be too risque but....
body paint or chocolate finger paint?
bath stuff (ie bubble bath + massage bar)
posted by AnneShirley at 5:25 PM on March 4, 2020

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