How Do Daily Marijuana Smokers Travel Internationally?
November 9, 2019 8:54 AM

I use marijuana nightly for anxiety, depression and sleep. I am traveling out of the US for a week. Am I going to get withdrawal? How do I deal? Details inside

I have smoked marijuana every night for a year. I use to help me relax and sleep. I do take antidepressants and I am in therapy, but the THC has been invaluable. I am going to be traveling to Europe and I am nervous about how to cope. I know that some people sneak vape pens etc, but I am really nervous about that. I also wouldn't have the faintest clue how to acquire anything there.

Am I going to experience withdrawal? What do smokers usually do when they travel internationally?

I do have CBD oil. I don't know if you can bring liquids or vapes. I hear that CBD negates THC. If you load up on CBD it combats the psychoactive effects of the cannabis. I want to be able to enjoy the THC when I return home.

Any insight or suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
posted by Alvin80 to Travel & Transportation (24 answers total)
My guy is a regular smoker and he just... goes without. I do not know if it works for everyone but my understanding about regular pot smokers is that it's more of a habit-forming thing than an addiction thing. That said, I am an anxious person who does not travel well because of it and I have a "for travel only" prescription for sleeping pills which means I sleep when I travel if there is a problem (sometimes there isn't and I sleep normally without them). This also helps with jet lag. People have different opinions about this approach but it's worked for me for a decade. I don't experience the side effects, and don't wind up feeling like I need to take them when I am home most of the time.

Other sleep aids along these lines for travel would be melatonin, benadryl type things and aggressive exercise.

I can't speak to the relationship of CBD to THC but here's a paper from Frontiers in Psychiatry that seems to address that issue and their conclusion seems to be that CBD can have a "protective" effect on some of the more negative THC effects but it doesn't seem at all like it counteracts the more positive effects. That matches my anecdotal experience with both of them.
posted by jessamyn at 9:20 AM on November 9, 2019

Yes, you may experience some withdrawal. As a sometimes daily edibles user, I’d compare the discomfort of stopping cannabis cold-turkey to quitting caffeine cold-turkey. 3-4 days of poor sleep and feeling a bit off, but then I mostly don’t notice it. I use international travel as an opportunity to take a break from cannabis. I normally wouldn’t be sleeping well anyways the first few days in a new country and there’s usually lots of interesting new stuff around to take my mind of weed, so for me, travel is probably an easier time to take a break from substances than trying to do the same at home.
posted by horizons at 9:25 AM on November 9, 2019

I've taken pens through Europe for years with no problems, it's just another e-cigarette as far as they are concerned. Just don't ever take anything to Asia or Middle East. If you are in a legalized state, consider getting edibles, capsules or powder and keeping them in a glass pill bottle.
posted by eusebis_w_adorno at 9:26 AM on November 9, 2019

The person I know just does without and maybe doesn't sleep as well but who sleeps well traveling?

FWIW if you are traveling to a country where pot isn't super illegal it may be quite easy to acquire some if you visit a smoke shop or go to a music event or something. Good luck!
posted by lafemma at 9:29 AM on November 9, 2019

I am similar to you and when I travel I just do without. Personally I have not had noticeable withdrawal symptoms. I don't have trouble sleeping because I take melatonin the first few nights for jetlag anyway.
posted by noxperpetua at 9:43 AM on November 9, 2019

Edibles are a possibility too, the stuff I buy looks like candy (because it is) and it's not the sort of thing airport security is looking for in the US, although I don't know where your destination is.

Also if you're smoking the plant you're always getting some CBD with it; manufactured products like edibles or oils are the only place you can get something resembling pure THC.
posted by MillMan at 9:49 AM on November 9, 2019

Yes, it is possible that you will experience withdrawal. Depending on how much you have been using, it will get progressively more irritating each day until about three days in, when it'll level off. You might start experiencing "REM state rebound", where you'll have vivid and startling dreams, which is actually kind of numinous and interesting.

If you have time before your trip, try to reduce your anxiety by going cold turkey right now, so you can see what it's going to be like.
posted by the Real Dan at 9:51 AM on November 9, 2019

Go without. You would be breaking the law, and unless you are in Amsterdam obtaining some during your travel will have risks. Read up on EU drug laws. Traveling with herb can be very risky. I have seen trained beagles sniffing luggage in EU airports and I don't think they care if edibles look like candy or if pens are not joints.
posted by zaelic at 12:24 PM on November 9, 2019

Back in the day before legalization there were times when the weed dried up for weeks at a time. A bit antsy for a couple of days, after that back to just waiting for the dealer to call when the weed started flowing again. Not much of a big deal.

Nothing at all like meth, heroin, crack users going batshit and setting out on missions to find a fix. I'd be more worried about losing the antidepressants and not being able to get them refilled.
posted by zengargoyle at 12:42 PM on November 9, 2019

I also wouldn't have the faintest clue how to acquire anything there.

You haven't said where in Europe. If you are landing in the Netherlands you can easily get some at any coffeeshop. If you are then traveling around Europe, there is no customs borders so you will be able to keep it with you.
posted by vacapinta at 12:54 PM on November 9, 2019

A friend travels with cannabis tincture or oil in an emptied-out bottle of an innocuous herbal tincture. Be sure to test-dose before you go.

I hear that CBD negates THC.

This doesn't seem to be substantiated by the data.
In fact, small doses of CBD may do the opposite.
There's also some evidence that CBD makes the effects of THC last longer.
posted by ottereroticist at 1:19 PM on November 9, 2019

Am I going to get withdrawal? How do I deal?

From my experiences quitting, after long-term daily use, insomnia arrives big-time about day 3, and lasts about a month. YMMV. Melatonin helps some.
posted by thelonius at 1:52 PM on November 9, 2019

Do not ever travel internationally with cannabis, in any form. The risks are huge in many countries you wouldn’t think would be as bad. Even in countries where it is legalized. You could face jail time. Just don’t.

I’m an everyday user, of 40+ years. These days I will travel domestically with vape oil or extract very discreetly packaged (an ounce or two of clear tincture in a saline nasal spray bottle works every time) . But never with flower unless in state in Alaska, where it really does seem to be no problem. But never ever internationally, that’s insane.

Yeah I don’t sleep as well. I sleep better reminding myself I’m not at risk of a ten year jail sentence for importing drugs. If you can tolerate and get a script for a benzodiazepine, that can help with sleep and anxiety. But you’ll be ok.
posted by spitbull at 2:55 PM on November 9, 2019

I would definitely bring CBD oil or caplets, they will probably help you sleep because as others said your marijuana already had some CBD. One thing to check on is how illegal it is in the country you're going to, for instances pot is EXTREMELY ILLEGAL in Japan which you might not expect
posted by JZig at 2:56 PM on November 9, 2019

The evidence that CBD actually has psychoactive effects is very thin. I myself think CBD-only dosing is total bullshit. There is so much hype about CBD, but very little good science.

And it’s still illegal in many countries. Just don’t take the risk.

On the bright side taking a week or two off after a long period regular use will reset your tolerance and you’ll be much more sensitive to smaller doses when you get home. Which is...nice.
posted by spitbull at 2:59 PM on November 9, 2019

Do not ever travel internationally with cannabis, in any form

Also, returning to the US — even to your home state where it's legal — is a federal process, so bringing any back in to the US is illegal. Every border crossing from Canada has a barrage of signs about not bringing (legal here) cannabis into the US, and people have been stopped if a Canadian internal flight diverts to the US.
posted by scruss at 4:52 PM on November 9, 2019

You won’t get withdrawal, but you might miss it.

My recommendation : a vigorous workout followed by a long, hot shower. Not the same as smoking weed, but soothing nonetheless.
posted by panama joe at 9:04 PM on November 9, 2019

The advice upthread about there not being border checks within Europe: that is not true. I've personally been checked between Austria/Germany and Germany/Denmark. The UK definitely has border controls. My mom was stopped for hours on the Germany/Denmark border because someone on the bus was found with drugs.
posted by starfishprime at 11:39 PM on November 9, 2019

Correct. Especially if you aren’t an EU citizen. And it isn’t just border checks you need to worry about. Getting copped locally can lead to big trouble too.

In theory flying into the UK with weed can get you 14 years. Not likely for a small quantity but it’s on the books. Similar laws apply in other EU countries.

Flying internationally with any controlled substance is just about the dumbest thing an American can do as a traveler. You might as well paint a target on your back.

Remember you have none of your usual American civil rights in a foreign country.
posted by spitbull at 3:12 AM on November 10, 2019

By the way the best solution for me is to say I won’t go where weed isn’t legal anymore and I can score on arrival. That’s getting quite feasible in my life. Never liked Europe anyway, but Amsterdam could work.

posted by spitbull at 3:18 AM on November 10, 2019

Also worth noting that labeling of cannabis products is also larded with bullshit. Odds are very good your “CBD” either contains THC or has neither THC or CBD and is just some Chinese chemical plant special. You might think you’re only bringing a CBD stash. An assay by the cops could show it has THC in it. This has been happening to people transporting hemp across state lines in the US for the “legal” CBD industry lately.
posted by spitbull at 3:24 AM on November 10, 2019

I'm a daily edibles user and when I have to fly, I just go without. Never noticed any withdrawal, and it has the positive side effect of wiping out a good chunk of my tolerance if I go entirely without for 3-5 days. (I have the unpleasant symptoms that I take marijuana to manage, of course, but I have legal-but-way-harsher backup meds to manage them if I absolutely need to. )

I used some CBD last time I traveled (purchased at my destination) and for the first time actually felt a mild relaxation effect, but honestly melotonin works better for the purpose and is a lot cheaper.
posted by restless_nomad at 7:00 AM on November 10, 2019

My suggestion is to stop smoking for a week before the trip. If you do have withdrawal, you want to have it at home, and not in a foreign country you have never been to before.
posted by hworth at 10:37 AM on November 11, 2019

Agree with the advice not to bring anything with you. I'd stop before leaving as well, but taper off. That should reduce the impact of any potential physical symptoms. I've noticed some digestive upset when I have to quit for travel, and that can definitely be minimized by not stopping all at once. And is by far preferable to deal with at home, to the extent it does happen, rather than when you're trying to enjoy your trip.
posted by snuffleupagus at 2:19 PM on November 11, 2019

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