Rec me some good RSS feeds
November 1, 2019 10:45 AM

I'm looking for RSS feeds to read on long train rides to and from work - so the most important aspect is that they load full articles, not snippets. I wouldn't quite say "I'm open to any kind of content," but I have a broad range of interests, and over two hours every weekday morning and evening on trains and buses.

I am especially interested in science fiction "magazine" sites, and am hoping someone else has done the work of figuring out which ones have full posts instead of intros-with-links. Also interested in occult/witchcraft/paganism, linguistics, mathematics that don't require a math degree to understand, law, writing and publishing, and non-video gaming. (One or two video gaming feeds might be okay; I have no idea how many of them use full articles.)

Limited interest in politics, especially current events. For my mental health, I minimize contact with articles about POTUS45 and our growing hellscape of a society. If anyone knows of a blog/website that focuses on hope instead of how doomed we are, that'd be nice. Non-current-events progressive feeds are welcome; "uses current events as a starting point" is fine. For example, I'd be happy to read about the history of elections, starting with "why what happened this week is illegal."

Not interested in cooking/crafts/homemaking (unless they are particularly entertaining aside from being practical); at best, those make me want to actually do something... that I can't do on the train. (Theoretically, I could knit or crochet. If I wanted to knit or crochet, I wouldn't be looking for text.)

Otherwise, willing to consider basically anything. Archaeology is not one of my direct interests, but if you know an awesome blog about it, please mention it! Picture-light is preferred; I may be reading this on a 4" phone screen. If I need to see the details to understand the articles, I won't.

I don't care how often they update (I plan to subscribe to many, and don't mind if some are much slower than others), don't care if they're single-topic, don't care if they average 200 words or 2000, don't mind if they're NSFW. The #1 required detail is: Download now, read full posts offline later.
posted by ErisLordFreedom to Computers & Internet (7 answers total) 14 users marked this as a favorite
These have full feeds in my RSS reader (Feedly)
Brain Pickings books and philosophy
Centauri Dreams space
Moneyness currency and money flows
Citylab urban design / transit issues
posted by msbutah at 12:08 PM on November 1, 2019

Is there some reason you can't use a service like Instapaper or Pocket to save full-length articles for later reading?
posted by crazy with stars at 12:42 PM on November 1, 2019

If you're interested in fiction/poetry/creative nonfiction, Entropy might be up your alley. It's one of the only RSS feeds in my reader that does show full-text.
posted by torridly at 1:05 PM on November 1, 2019

Tor is SF/F and does full feeds, including a feed of just its original fiction.
Idle Words is the blog of the guy who runs Pinboard. He mostly does essays, though he does delve into politics; lately he's been writing about the Hong Kong protests.
Today I Found Out and Wait But Why are all long articles about cultural or historical trivia.
The History of the Web is what it says on the tin.
The Bias is geek-inflected cultural criticism.
Real Life Magazine is articles about living with technology.
Longreads often publishes personal essays and original articles; Anne Theriault's Queens of Infamy series is excellent.

If you have any email newsletters you like, you can convert those to an RSS feed using Kill the Newsletter.
posted by fifthpocket at 1:57 PM on November 1, 2019

Re: Instapaper etc. options: I'm trying to avoid even more logins and apps to manage. I definitely don't want to have to "save for later" and then use a different interface to decide which ones to get rid of.

I may decide to fork over the $50/year to inoreader for easy offline reading options.
posted by ErisLordFreedom at 2:05 PM on November 1, 2019

The History Blog has a good full text feed on archaeology stories. There's usually a decent number of pictures or videos of the objects or other finds, but you don't necessarily need them to follow items.

The Universe of Discourse has math and philosophy and... frankly a ton of other random stuff. Sometimes images are essential, sometimes not.
posted by RyanAdams at 6:11 PM on November 5, 2019

I've been exploring writing for some time now and I found Henneke's blog very useful. Also I have taken a fancy to Medium of late.
posted by Lazylord at 8:45 AM on December 3, 2019

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