Dothismuch dot com
October 23, 2019 3:13 AM

I have recently started planning my meals with Eat This Much. It's working well, and something about it really fits my brain - I like that I can see several days' plans at once, I like that I can build up routines etc, I like that it's a fairly simple layout that also allows you to drill down into more information, I like the fact that I can see when I've scheduled 'too much' because it adds things up in realtime, I REALLY like being able to drag and drop things around and tick them off. Now I want an online schedule planner which works in almost exactly the same way. I don't seem to be able to find one.

I'm currently trying to build more healthy routines and structure in my life, as I think that's what I need most at the moment - and others have agreed (I got an ASD dx last year and am trying to get my life in order despite some recent distressing life events). However, there needs to be some flexibility to these routines that actually allows me to respond to events rather than being distressed that I can't do the Usual Thing. Todos are kind of honestly secondary? Like I would like them to be there, but most online planners focus on todos to the exclusion of routines. Viewing long lists makes me panic, viewing a simple guide for what to do in the day is closer to what I need. I think the drag-and-drop rearranging might be the most important part of this for me. It would be good if it kind of added up the hours I'd scheduled in the way that Eat This Much adds calories and macros. Does anyone have any recommendations?
posted by Acheman to Computers & Internet (4 answers total) 30 users marked this as a favorite
I have only brief browsing experience with Eat This Much, but from my glimpses and also from your descriptions of features you want, I think Trello would be a good fit.
posted by seasparrow at 6:04 AM on October 23, 2019

My first thought was also Trello but the recurring routines might be a bit fiddly to set up. I’m trying out the home routines app, and though it’s made for cleaning and tidying originally, it seems flexible enough for any kind of routines. It also has a simple todo list with tasks for today, this week, and later. The main feature is that routines recur e.g. daily, weekly. You see the routine names (morning for example) and then once you click on it, there’s a checklist of tasks which resets the next day.
posted by meijusa at 6:24 AM on October 23, 2019

Sorted³, a "schedule your tasks" planning app, might fit the bill. I have not used it but have been curious after seeing it recommended on the Cool Tools blog. It sounds like it might be a good fit because it can auto-plan and supports repeating plans.
posted by revgeorge at 10:41 AM on October 23, 2019

The app Fabulous lets you set up morning/afternoon/evening routines. They push you to pay but there's a limited free version.

There's also an app called Brili that's for kids but ADHD adults use it too for routines.

Some people really like Habitica but I can't figure it out.
posted by squasher at 9:16 PM on October 29, 2019

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