Kik messenger app searching contacts
August 13, 2019 4:34 PM

Question about Kik messenger app: if someone finds you via letting the app search their contacts, is the user name matched with the contact name or number?

First, my privacy preferences are updated now so that people can’t find me in this way, so I got that covered.

My Kik profile is pretty anonymous; I don’t use my real name and my profile picture is not my face. Someone I know in real life sent me a message last night; it’s someone I don’t know well although I have called him on my phone probably within the past year, and he must have saved my number. The context I know him in is professional. I assume what happened is: he installed Kik, let the app search his contacts and he found me as “someone you might know” and he messaged me. His message indicates he does not recognize me but also definitely indicates that he wants to hook up with me, although in a PG sort of way. I’m slightly panicked by this situation but this guy is not super technologically skilled as far as I know and I honestly think if he did know who that profile belonged to, he would absolutely not have messaged it.

My question is: could he figure out who I am? Does Kik tell him “this phone number is associated with this user name?” Or is it just a “people you may know” thing?
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