Another round of "Can I Eat It" - Goats Cheese edition.
August 5, 2019 4:44 PM

Unopened package of soft goat's cheese got left out on the kitchen counter for about 20 hours. Safe to eat or not?

Unopened, vacuum sealed package of soft goat's cheese got left out on the kitchen counter overnight and was only discovered in the afternoon. I am heartbroken at the idea of tossing it but the fact that it's soft cheese has me a little concerned. Ambient air temp in the house is about 18°C (64°F).

It's currently back in the fridge waiting its fate. Thoughts?
posted by arha to Food & Drink (6 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
i would eat it
posted by Jacqueline at 5:03 PM on August 5, 2019

I make that style of goats cheese at home. During the making process it has to sit at room temperature for 3-5 days. Another day won't hurt it.

Cheese is literally a process for preserving milk so it doesn't spoil at room temperature. (Or at least only spoils in a controlled way). It might just taste goatier.
posted by lollusc at 5:20 PM on August 5, 2019

Definitely eat it. Cheese is fine at room temp.
posted by EndsOfInvention at 5:28 PM on August 5, 2019

Unanimous! It is getting eaten. Thanks all.
posted by arha at 5:49 PM on August 5, 2019

It was just sitting around for months before you bought it.
posted by humboldt32 at 3:03 AM on August 6, 2019

You should always try to eat the goat cheese. If you do not like what is covering your goat cheese, scrape it off. If the cheese burns your mouth and you do not like that, take it out of your mouth and don't eat any more.

I've followed these for 20y and have not yet gotten sick or died. I have had my mouth hurt by goat cheese but have also been rewarded. I'm not making a joke with this.
posted by bdc34 at 7:39 AM on August 6, 2019

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