I got a Dartboard! Yeah! But how do I install it?
July 11, 2019 4:56 AM

A few weeks ago, I received a surprised package: A dartboard inside a cabinet. Something along the lines of this.

Ok, my problem is it came with no instructions. Nada. I can figure out how to hang the cabinet and where, but how in the world does the double-faced dartboard attach to the cabinet? It just can't sit there because every throw will make it move. I've made a few calls to games vendors and no one seems to know wtf I'm taking about.

This dartboard was a gift and can't be returned. The person who sent it to me is waiting for me to tell them how much I'm enjoying it, and he'll be visiting next month. So please MiFis, can you help at all?
posted by james33 to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (4 answers total)
The linked image seems to show 4 screws with little plastic washer-type things, between the "9" and the "12" for example. Even without the washers, I imagine some screws that are long enough to go through the board and into the cabinet (but not into the wall) would do the trick.
posted by Rock Steady at 5:04 AM on July 11, 2019

There should be four long-ish nails that fit in the holes of the four oblong washers.

Put the nail through the washer, then push the nail gently through the fibres of the dartboard as you see it in the photo.

Once all four nails are in position, centre the dartboard in its cabinet and gently tap each nail down. Not so tightly that it squishes the fibers; just tight enough so it holds the dartboard up.

Once this side wears down through use (years), you pull the nails out, flip the board over, and push the nails through again in a slightly different place and tap them down again.
posted by seanmpuckett at 6:20 AM on July 11, 2019

Thanks seanmpuckett! I just got back from our local hardware store. I explained to the guy what I was looking for and he had exactly what I needed: long, thin nails with a big enough head to hold a washer.

Dartboard installed, just waiting for players!

Thanks to all who replied! MeFi Kids are the best!
posted by james33 at 4:40 AM on July 12, 2019

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