US Parks off grid driving app released, but I CANT FIND IT!
June 16, 2019 1:47 PM

OK, this is driving me nuts and I know deep in my heart I will find an answer here. About 10 ago I saw a review for a new ios app that would allow for mapping and creating itineraries for off road, unmarked driving in US Parks (not sure if it was National or State or both?)

I even looked at the app page, but I didnt need it, so I just went on my merry way assuming it would be easy to find in the future. Now a good friend of mine could really use this app and I have looked everywhere and searched every criteria I can think of with no luck.
I get all my news feed from Feedly and Google News. I searched my "recently viewed" articles in Feedly and could not find it, so I think I must have seen it in Google News, but dont know if there is a way to search or look at past articles I followed?
I searched laptop my history past the point, but perhaps I did the whole thing on my iPhone and I am not as good at diving deep on the device.
Any guidance on either finding the app outright or just trying to locate what I saw on my device would be appreciated very much.
If there is any other info that might help, please let me know.
posted by silsurf to Technology (5 answers total) 6 users marked this as a favorite
If there is any other info that might help, please let me know.

Off road driving is prohibited in most national parks, and strictly regulated within the few parks that do allow it, including a permit/fee process and where/when, specific to each park. And what many people call "off-roading" in some national parks is actually "driving on an unpaved road that requires a 4-wheel drive and a high clearance vehicle". (And as is usually the case in a national park, it's best to talk to the local rangers to get the information that is needed, especially considering off-roading conditions can literally change hour to hour and off-roading can have severe environmental and cultural impacts.)

Anyway, I suspect that the wording you're looking for is not "US National Parks" but more a "national" as in comprehensive, and perchance this app and a recent news article about it in Outside may be what you are looking for.
posted by barchan at 2:09 PM on June 16, 2019

Thanks for the clarification, I really appreciate it. I would love to know how you found the article so fast when nothing was coming up on my end? Oh well, once again Mefi wins!

posted by silsurf at 2:19 PM on June 16, 2019

I would love to know how you found the article so fast when nothing was coming up on my end?

Ha, basically I didn't have to search for it at all as I read outdoors news regularly, so yeah,only because I had read about it a few weeks ago and just had to remember where. :)
posted by barchan at 2:26 PM on June 16, 2019

posted by silsurf at 2:40 PM on June 16, 2019

The app you were talking about is probably PDFMaps, by Avenza. It takes geo-referenced PDF Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM) produced by various agencies (National Forests in particular) and uses it as a map base in combination with your device GPS.

It's extremely handy, as signage on the ground is often missing or misleading.

Other than that, everything that Barchan said. Especially the part about talking to the local rangers before heading out.
posted by Pogo_Fuzzybutt at 9:25 AM on June 17, 2019

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