Online form that limits how many people can choose an option
April 26, 2019 11:03 PM

I'm looking for something that can create a signup form for volunteers for multiple positions at an event, e.g. three volunteers to help with setup, two to run this table, four to run that table, and so on. Once the maximum number of people have indicated their availability for a given position, that position should disappear from the form and not be visible to later visitors, leaving only those positions that haven't been filled yet.

I've found a couple of google forms extensions along these lines, but one looks too hard to use for non-technical people and the other's reviews suggest it's pretty buggy.
posted by one for the books to Computers & Internet (5 answers total) 8 users marked this as a favorite
Would you be okay if the volunteer slots that are chosen could still be seen, but are marked as filled/used and could not be filled with more people than you want? The PTSA at my school, our library and a bunch of local sporting events I do coordinate volunteers with Signup Genius. I haven’t ever used it except for as a volunteer signing up for stuff, but it works pretty well from that end.
posted by charmedimsure at 11:48 PM on April 26, 2019 My office used it and it seems to have worked well!
posted by dubious_dude at 12:37 AM on April 27, 2019

SignupGenius is perfect for this.
posted by grouse at 6:56 AM on April 27, 2019

Can vouch for Signup Genius on both sides. The best part is that the signers-up don't even need to create an account. The default view is to see only the available slots, but even then you can't sign up if they're already taken. Our group of fairly non-technical adults got along fine.
posted by wnissen at 6:56 AM on April 27, 2019

As dubious_dude says, Doodle can do this.
posted by brianogilvie at 10:45 AM on April 27, 2019

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