Detroit-area fibromyalgia doctors or resources?
April 10, 2019 8:18 PM   Subscribe

My wife suffers from fibromyalgia and needs a new doctor. We are moving to Detroit in two weeks, and we'll be staying in Midtown, Rosedale Park, or Bagley. One of the toughest things to leave behind is her care team. We'd like to find the right doctor: one who is engaged, supportive, focused on solutions, and doesn't over-perscribe. One with training in fibro and PTSD is better. One who is all of the above and connected to a research-level institution is the best. Detroiters, who do you or your friends see for primary care or specialty care ? Thanks so much!
posted by skookumsaurus rex to Health & Fitness 1 user marked this as a favorite
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