Find me a backgrounder on Trump / Russia / Special Counsel Investigation
January 10, 2019 2:23 PM

I'm looking for a good, short-ish, factual and well-sourced backgrounder on the Special Counsel Investigation that is taking up space, rent free, in so many of our minds. Ideally something that is being updated on a regular basis, but also something that is a manageable size to read and that tells a narrative that an ordinary reader who is not steeped in this stuff can follow. Thanks!
posted by gauche to Grab Bag (7 answers total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
Lawfare has ongoing coverage organized by topic, i.e. The Russia Connection and Donald Trump.

Politico has a section titled Trump Russia Scandal.

Axios has published Timeline: Every big move in the Mueller investigation, but it does not appear to have been updated recently, although it includes "Editor's note: This is an updating post."

Just Security appears to be tracking Unsealed Documents in Special Counsel Mueller's Investigation.
posted by Little Dawn at 2:50 PM on January 10, 2019

Active Measures by Metafilter’s own OnceUponATime.
posted by Jorus at 4:49 PM on January 10, 2019

WhatTheFuckJustHappenedToday does a daily general newsletter, and also has a special Russia Investigation page that is frequently updated.
posted by the agents of KAOS at 9:01 PM on January 10, 2019

This episode of Cape Up with Jonathan Capehart provides a comprehensive look at the many facets of the investigation in a pretty eye-opening way. It's about three weeks out of date now, but is an excellent listen.
posted by slogger at 6:14 AM on January 11, 2019

Politico: The Only Impeachment Guide You’ll Ever Need
posted by Little Dawn at 8:22 AM on January 11, 2019

The Vox guide to Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia investigation includes a backgrounder that appears to be updated regularly.
posted by Little Dawn at 8:44 PM on January 26, 2019

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