Tell me everything about this style of calendar
December 13, 2018 4:35 PM

Does anyone know if this kind of "card per month" desk calendar has a real name? Do you think it would be an easy & inexpensive DIY project to make in bulk? And if so how would you go about doing that?
posted by bleep to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (4 answers total)
Make a standup card. Make small calendar pages, staple to card. The hardest part would be the cutout, but if you're very good with scissors... I have seen cool calendars packaged in a cd case.
posted by theora55 at 4:47 PM on December 13, 2018

The hardest (i.e. most expensive) thing would be the die-cutting. For just a rectangular one, you should be able to do most of a basic one at Kinkos or other copy shop, with cardstock, special printing features, etc. possibly involving a print shop. You could also conceivably print and cut it yourself, sure, depending on how many you want to make.

I'd call it a tear-off monthly desk calendar.
posted by rhizome at 4:48 PM on December 13, 2018

The hardest part, aside from cutting, which to do inexpensively would involve hand-cutting (unless you have access to a die cutting machine), would be the base. theora55's idea of a CD case would work. If you fold the CD case back on itself, it functions as a stand. Then, it's just a matter of designing/cutting your calendar pages to fit the CD case.
posted by sarajane at 5:55 PM on December 13, 2018

Do you have access to a Cricut or Silhouette? This project seems made for them. If a friend has one, your could easily print the calendars and then cut them on the machine. This wouldn’t be cheap if you had to buy the machine just for it, though. And, since you would need 12 cutouts per calendar, it could take a while to cut them all out, depending on what you mean by “bulk”
posted by itsamermaid at 5:55 PM on December 13, 2018

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