Recommend to me some good healthy meal prep YouTube shows.
December 6, 2018 6:56 AM

I've been doing a lot of meal prep type stuff, but I'm finding a lack of inspiration in some areas. I like YouTube cooking shows, but I don't know any that help me much here.

Ideally, they would be relatively high production value. I don't expect everything to be Binging With Babbish, but it would be nice.

Specifically with regard to content, here's what I'm looking for: meal prep (good for freezing included); super healthy/high protein; and inclusion of breakfast, lunch, and snacks. Also, I can figure out baked chicken breasts and broccoli myself, so I'm looking for a good degree of creativity and variety.

That's pretty much it.
posted by cmoj to Food & Drink (3 answers total) 15 users marked this as a favorite
Mind over Munch has a lot of them, and she does different week variations including keto, vegetarian, gluten free etc. Also Flav City with Bobby Parrish - usually keto, he's a little much sometimes but he's good and his partner is a nutritionist and they've come up with some really good recipes and techniques.

My #1 rec all the time anymore is Headbanger's Kitchen, and he's just started doing meal plans maybe a month ago. Most of his are tuned to intermittent fasting and so are often only two meals a day, but his recipes in general are great and while not all his recipes are Indian it is really nice having non-American-type meals in the arsenal.
posted by Lyn Never at 8:24 AM on December 6, 2018

AnarchistKitchen has a vegan meal prep playlist that I turn to pretty often. The videos are a bit odd in that the chef tends to just chat with her partner about their week in the voiceover rather than explicitly talking through the recipes, but you can follow the links to her blog for exact proportions and food is quick, simple, pretty healthy, tasty and cheap.

I enjoy hot for food's Back to School playlist - also vegan. Hot for food in general is a bit more elaborate cooking-wise but I find the channel really great for inspiration. The Back to School stuff she does is not always explicitly meal prep but it's all designed to be packable and good eaten at any temperature.
posted by DSime at 1:04 PM on December 6, 2018

hmm, well.. this might be a bit of a left-field answer.. i'm not sure.. but I have found that a lot of today's cooking how-to content tends to, well, give you the fish rather than teach you how to fish. I didn't really notice/understand this until one day a few years ago when I was browsing PBS's passport app (or maybe it was "thirteen", the app of the NYC PBS affiliate) and came across a whole slew of original Julia Child episodes from when her show first aired, in black and white, on WGBH.

She was serious about her mission, and that mission was teaching people HOW to cook, rather than teaching recipes, and the difference is really palpable when you compare it to most of the content I see today (although I have to say, as contemporary cooking shows go, Lidia Bastianich, of "Lidia's Italy", also does a good job of teaching cooking in a way that can be broadly applied.)

"Passport" used to be free (well, the app is still free and available for roku/android/fire/iOS/etc) but nowadays they'd like you to donate to PBS to access it. Which is too bad because a good example I was going to show you was this early episode - Chop Dinner in Half an Hour - but all is not lost, as there's some great early episodes of hers on youtube as well, here is a playlist including such gems ranging from "vegetable adventures" and "vegetables the french way" to "the whole fish story" and "salade nicoise." Even if you aren't planning on going in for the (delicious) heavy creams and buttery extravagences of some french cuisine, Julia went to culinary school and learned prep work from chefs, she is efficient and skilled at both demo-ing it and describing what she's doing -- it really shows in these early episodes in a way that was a bit less evident in her 90s era shows.
posted by elgee at 1:47 PM on December 6, 2018

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