New Year's Eve in Santa Fe
November 19, 2018 1:06 PM

Two thirtysomething women will be in Santa Fe for New Year's Eve. What should we do to ring in 2019? We'll be in town for three nights, including New Year's Eve. Our other plans for the trip include a lot of eating, a little drinking, walking around, art, Meow Wolf, and on the way home, Ojo Caliente. Any and all recommendations are welcome, but specifically, I'm trying to figure out where we should spend the evening of New Year's Eve.

It's hard to tell from Googling what the vibe of each party will be, or if there are events that aren't (yet) listed publicly. I'd say we're looking for something fun and festive, where we can hang out till midnight, maybe with dancing but not a "club" scene.

About us: One American woman, 39, with a husband and kid who are not coming on this trip. Has been to Santa Fe many times but seldom gets to go anymore (see aforementioned kid). One French woman, also 39, single, living a student lifestyle, has never been to Santa Fe, visiting the U.S. for a few weeks. We're both adventurous but not hardcore partiers. Budget is a consideration - we want to have fun but the Four Seasons is out of the question.
posted by TrixieRamble to Travel & Transportation (3 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
We went there last year for NYE, though we were with the kid, so we only went to the outdoor festivities in the plaza till about 10pm. I do want to recommend going to the botanical garden one evening, though, because it was super cool: link.

If I was going to go this year, I'd probably go to this event (if you don't have Facebook, it's the party at Cowgirl BBQ, which is not yet on their website: "Come celebrate at the best BBQ and music venue in Santa Fe. Dress up in your best fancy wanzy clothes, come in your best SF style duds, go all out in Steam Punk attire BUT COME, have FUN, DANCE, BE in community to welcome the NEW YEAR 2019. Hats, Noisemakers etc will be available :) Underground Cadence is an eclectic group of musicians with a blend of rawking, bluesy, eclectic, funk, rock songs that will keep you dancing with edgy upbeat songs. They love to be interactive with the audience and make it fun! They will keep you entertained, dancing and having FUN!") We went to this restaurant during our trip, and it had a friendly community atmosphere and good food.
posted by xo at 3:31 PM on November 19, 2018

Extremely low key Splurge option maybe but you could consider renting a room at 10,000 waves and getting dinner at the attached izakaya BYO wine for hanging out in your room and playing table topics or some other questions cards game.
posted by wowenthusiast at 7:41 PM on November 19, 2018

Santa Fe doesn't have a "club" scene so that will be easy to avoid.

Meow Wolf is having a NYE party, it's $40 admission and the exhibit will be open.

If you like the Grateful Dead, a cover band called Detroit Lightning is playing at Tumbleroot Brewery.

There's a free event on the Plaza with bonfires and biscochitos and the raising of the Zia symbol at midnight.
posted by BooneTheCowboyToy at 11:47 AM on November 21, 2018

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