Firefox Private Browsing vs. FF Facebook Container
November 3, 2018 7:23 PM

Which is better for using Facebook? Firefox Private Browsing with Tracking Protection, or Firefox Facebook Container? Generally I want to prevent Facebook from tracking me as I browse on the web.

For Facebook browsing, I use Firefox with Adblock Plus and Adblock. These extensions are also enabled in Private Browsing mode.

I'm wondering which one is better for preventing Facebook from tracking me across the web.

> I use Firefox specifically for Facebook, but use Chrome as productivity hub for work (freelance copywriting, feature article writing and research); I know I should do something about Google as well.

> I also use FF private browsing for Amazon purchases, and would like to avoid being tracked by Amazon as well.

Just trying to figure out if Facebook Container on FF is an easier choice.
posted by JamesBay to Computers & Internet (4 answers total)
(I have removed Facebook and Instagram from my Pixel phone)
posted by JamesBay at 7:24 PM on November 3, 2018

They're expecting you to withhold and FB has the upperground in this battle. Instead, take the less obvious strategy and overshare instead!
(A privacy extension so awesome that its banned from ChromeMart.)
posted by Fupped Duck at 8:29 PM on November 3, 2018

They both attack the problem from different angles, and you can (and should!) use both together, depending on your needs. The container extension isolates Facebook from the rest of your internet browsing, so that even if you're logged-in to Facebook inside that container, outside of it, you appear as if you are logged out (and if you clear any cookies facebook leaves behind after logging out, you'll appear as if you've never used facebook at all).

That said, Facebook can still build a shadow profile of you, even if you're not logged-in, by getting third party sites to embed their tracking scripts (usually in the form of "like" buttons) into their pages. On these third party sites, enabling Tracking Protection should drastically reduce the ability of these third-party tracking scripts to track your activity. I recommend enabling tracking protection by default, but keep in mind that you may need to disable it on some sites in order for them to continue to work, as they may use third party scripts for functionality in addition to tracking.
posted by Aleyn at 12:25 AM on November 4, 2018

keep in mind that you may need to disable it on some sites in order for them to continue to work

Or you can just refuse to use sites where this is the case. That's what I do, and my life is in no way the poorer for it. The occasional reminder that no website is actually necessary is part and parcel of maintaining a healthy relationship with the Web, to my way of thinking.
posted by flabdablet at 12:56 AM on November 4, 2018

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