Wtf, my knees
October 21, 2018 11:51 AM

Part way through the night last night I woke up noting that one of my knees felt a bit swollen and didn’t like being bent the way I often bend one leg while sleeping. This morning, both knees are like this. Wtf? Should I worry? Should I treat it somehow?

I’d describe the feeling as both knees feeling quite swollen right above the kneecap, and if I bend them it’s painful - like sore swelling painful as well as shooting pain in the right leg if I get the wrong angle. Going down stairs is very difficult. Walking flat is okay but still feels weird. There does not appear to be any actual swelling (both my husband and I agree on this).

Data points: my knees are weird (like if I run, they hurt badly enough I can barely walk the next day) but otherwise unremarkable. Last week I did some weightlifting (squats mostly) at the gym that is not out of the ordinary for me though I hadn’t been at it for several weeks. I am overweight. Last night I was out with friends and spent several hours standing in low heeled booties, which I wear often but am usually sitting while wearing. We didn’t do much walking.

So... what the hell? Was it just standing in my heels? If there’s no actual swelling should I be treating it like there is? How can I walk normally again ASAP?
posted by olinerd to Health & Fitness (7 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
The wrong footwear can easily cause this sort of thing. If I wear anything with not much in the way of arch support, my knees, ankles or hips will scold me mercilessly in the night.
posted by pipeski at 12:02 PM on October 21, 2018

Icing may help.
posted by leslies at 12:36 PM on October 21, 2018

Anecdotally, I am also big and active and ask a lot of my knees, and standing always makes me hurt way worse than walking (I'm guessing because I'm putting continuous pressure on the same points, walking moves the pressure around). I had to give up on wearing heels awhile back, too. At this point, if I'm going to be standing for any length of time, it's got to be in sneakers (at least Inkkas look cute, right? :) )

Icy-Hot and Ibuprofen will help with the pain and the swelling (you can't see it, but it's there). Staying off your knees as much as possible for a day or two will help too. If you must walk around, KT tape helps the angriest of my knees quite a lot.
posted by joycehealy at 12:39 PM on October 21, 2018

My bet is on the weightlifting. One of the most common ways to get injured is to jump back into doing something at your previous level of difficulty after not doing it for a long time. Weightlifting after a several-week break definitely falls into that category.

Standing in heels seems an unlikely culprit here, as standing doesn't involve bending your knees. However, it's possible that it contributed to the overall stress on your legs, such that the weightlifting wasn't enough to cause pain on its own, but weightlifting + standing in heels was.

Rest thoroughly first. At least a day, maybe more. If you lie down on your back, support your knees by putting a pillow under them. While sitting, don't bend your legs much, definitely not past 90 degrees. You could consider wearing an elastic knee brace for a day or two if need be, but rest is better. As soon as you can move your knees reasonably well, move them and gently put weight on them in whatever pain-free range of motion you have. Over time, the pain-free range of motion should increase. When you return to weightlifting (and you should! your knees need practice!) use less weight and less reps as you slowly ramp up to your previous level.
posted by danceswithlight at 12:47 PM on October 21, 2018

I have very similar knees. I am also overweight and active. I lived with it for years, but after a particularly painful episode I finally got a referral to an orthopedist. He did some X-rays and diagnosed me with advanced patellofemoral arthritis in both kneecaps and said I should consider total knee replacement surgery. I am 48 years old. I'm not saying you have arthritis like mine, but it's worth getting checked out before it progresses any further.
posted by libraryhead at 1:29 PM on October 21, 2018

Yes, treat it like swelling - there might be swollen ligaments at a lower level. That means ice, mostly.
posted by Lady Li at 1:54 PM on October 21, 2018

Thanks all. Currently elevating and icing. Hope I’m more mobile tomorrow!
posted by olinerd at 5:20 PM on October 21, 2018

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