Zipped File Assistance
October 18, 2018 2:46 PM

I've received a corrupt zipped file from a client. Is there any hope of extracting any of the files?

I am on a Mac, and I've use the native unzip archive, as well as BetterZip, Decompressor, Extractor, StuffIt, The Unarchiver.

The .zip file is a 167 mb file, so I know there must be some data in it.

I've used Terminal to determine whether it is indeed a zipped file (it is). And I've tried to repair using zip -F and zip -FF. The zip file structure is invalid, apparently.

Both BetterZip and zip -FF show me all the filenames and that there is indeed something there. Is there any hope of getting these files out of the .zip file? Some other trick I don't know about?
posted by hydra77 to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
Well actually, I kept trying and on 2nd or 3rd try, BetterZip was able to extract the files!

BetterZip FTW!
posted by hydra77 at 2:55 PM on October 18, 2018

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